Apple released iOS 7.1 Monday, the first significant update to the mobile operating system it debuted on Sept. 18, offering some incremental feature improvements and fixing some bugs that annoyed iPhone and iPad users.
苹果公司(Apple)周一发布了iOS 7.1操作系统,这是去年9月18日移动操作系统iOS 7发布以来第一次重大更新。最新版本进行了一些功能改进并修复了一些困扰iPhone和iPad用户的错误。
Apple's iOS 7 was a major departure from previous versions of its mobile operating system, bringing a simpler and cleaner look to the software. The new update builds on some of the new designs concepts, while also allowing users to disable some of the new features that had drawn criticism such as the software's parallax and zoom functions.
苹果的iOS 7与过去的iOS版本显著不同,界面更简洁。最新的iOS 7.1版本建立在一些新的设计理念基础上,并允许用户关闭之前受到批评的一些新功能,例如视差和缩放功能。
The update is available from today. Apple will be pushing it out to users over the next few days, but users can go get the new version by going to Settings->General -> Software Update.
iOS 7.1周一已经开放下载。苹果将在未来几天向用户推送更新通知。iOS用户也可以到“设置”-->“通用”-->“软件更新”进行升级。
Here are a few notable features of iOS 7.1 worth checking out:
以下是值得一提的iOS 7.1新特色:
More Stable
The new update promises to be more stable, fixing some of the bugs that caused the iPhone and iPad to randomly crash and reboot--an annoyance dubbed the 'white screen of death.' This was the biggest complaint of iOS 7 users.
iOS 7.1更加稳定,修复了一些可能偶尔导致iPhone和iPad主屏幕崩溃并重启(即“白屏死机”)的错误。这是iOS 7用户抱怨最多的一个问题。
Improved Touch ID
改进了Touch ID指纹识别能力
One of the flagship features of Apple's iPhone 5S, which debuted running iOS 7, is the fingerprint sensor. The performance of Touch ID has been spotty for some users and a source of frustration. The update aims to address that by improving how the Touch ID adapts over time. Some users had complained that the performance of Touch ID seemed to fade over time. Apple promises that the update will make Touch ID work faster.
iPhone 5S一上市便搭载着iOS 7系统,旗舰功能之一就是指纹传感器Touch ID。但一些用户发现该功能会变得不灵敏,这让他们感到沮丧。iOS 7.1改进了Touch ID指纹识别能力,旨在解决这一问题。此前一些用户抱怨说,随着时间的推移,Touch ID会越用越不灵敏。苹果承诺iOS 7.1会让Touch ID变得更加灵敏。
More 'Ive-ification' of the software
The new look of iOS 7 reflects the sensibilities of Apple's design head, Jonathan Ive, who oversaw the software's revamp. In the update, there are more design changes. For example, the green and red icons for answering or declining a phone call are now round instead of square. There are also more colors and greater color contrast to help icons stand out more against the software's translucent background.
iOS 7的新界面反映了苹果设计总监乔纳森•艾夫(Jonathan Ive)的感受力。而iOS 7.1在设计上也有了更多的变化。例如,电话来电的界面中,应答或拒绝来电的红色和绿色图标不再是方形的,而是圆形的。在界面色彩方面,新系统采用了更多颜色以及更强烈的色彩对比,使图标在iOS 7.1半透明的背景下显得越发突出。
相机设置中新增自动启用iPhone 5s的HDR功能
Apple has included high dynamic range, or HDR, in its mobile software for years, but we may see more people using it. HDR promises to create a better-lit image because it blends the exposure data from three different images--although it can cause a blurry picture if the photographer moves too quickly after taking the photo.
iOS系统几年前就已经加入了高动态范围图像技术(HDR)功能,此次iOS 7.1在相机设置中新增自动启用iPhone 5s的HDR功能后,可能会有更多用户使用它。启用HDR功能可以拍出光照更好的照片,因为此时相机会拍摄3张不同曝光程度的照片,然后将它们合成为一张照片。不过如果拍摄者在按下快门后太快移开设备,可能会导致照片模糊。
One of the most interesting new features of the update is something that we'll have to wait to use. The latest software is compatible with CarPlay, Apple's new initiative to bring iPhone features such as maps, music and messages to the in-car display. However, no cars currently on the market work with CarPlay. Apple has said CarPlay will be available in certain cars later this year from Ferrari, Mercedes Benz, Volvo, Honda and Hyundai, with additional car makers following in the years to come.
CarPlay是iOS 7.1系统最有趣的新功能之一,但用户们还需要再等等。iOS 7.1兼容了CarPlay,这是苹果设计的新车载操作系统。驾车者将iPhone与车载系统CarPlay的显示器连接后,即可使用iPhone的地图导航、听音乐以及信息访问功能。不过目前市面上还没有汽车搭载CarPlay。苹果已表示,今年晚些时候,法拉利(Ferrari)、梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、沃尔沃(Volvo)、本田汽车(Honda)和现代汽车(Hyundai)的部分车型将搭载CarPlay,未来几年还将有其他汽车品牌跟进。
Other improvements include making iOS 7 faster for iPhone 4 users, a new bold font option for the keyboard, a month-at-a-glance view in the calendar and new voices for Siri in British and Australian English, Mandarin and Japanese.
其他改进包括:增强了iPhone 4的新能;键盘、计算器及许多图标的字形可以选择使用粗体;日历可以选择按月显示事件;Siri针对中文普通话、英式英语、澳大利亚英语和日语版本,推出了全新的更为自然的男声和女声。