Only39% of Americans believe 'the universe began with a huge explosion'
With the possible exception of 'is the earthflat?', it is (according to Discover magazine at least) the most basic questionin science: 'does the earth orbit the sun?'
The good news is that 74 per cent of Americansknow the answer.
The very bad news is that means 26 per centreally don't.
These results, which appear in the NationalScience Foundation (NSF) survey of 2,200 Americans, will form part of a reportset to be presented to Barack Obama and lawmakers in congress, and are likelyto once again raise the issue of educational standards in the United States.
Other startling results from the survey includedthat only 39 per cent of Americans believe "the universe began with a hugeexplosion". And fewer than half of the people surveyed (48 per cent)agreed that "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlierspecies of animals".
Meanwhile, 51 per cent of Americans knew thatantibiotics don't kill viruses.
The study also demonstrated that a total of 42per cent of Americans thought astrology was either "very scientific"or "sort of scientific".
The survey, as reported by Agence France-Presse,is carried out every couple of years in order to analyse whether America ismaking educational progress.
Despite the somewhat negative findings of thestudy there is a significant glimmer of hope.
The survey revealed that nearly 90 per cent ofAmericans believed the benefits of science outweigh any dangers. 30 per centbelieve science deserves more funding from government, and around 90 per centexpressed an interest in learning about medical discoveries.