What makes Facebook's $19 billion purchase of WhatsApp all the more intriguing is the contrast between the two companies' founders.
Jan Koum, WhatsApp's co-founder and chief executive, has resisted advertising and built a mobile service that makes money from 99-cent subscriptions.
WhatsApp的联合创始人兼首席执行长(CEO)库姆(Jan Koum)一直拒绝在应用程序内引入广告,其主要收入就是用户支付的每年99美分的使用费。
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, meanwhile, has pioneered a new form of online ads targeting users based on their interests and relationships.
与此同时,Facebook的扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)则开创了一种在线广告的新模式,能够根据用户的兴趣和关系有针对性的投放广告。
These differences have been a continual topic of discussion for the two men as they developed a friendship over the past two years and ultimately negotiated the deal that would make Mr. Koum a multi-billionaire and bring his 55-person startup inside the social network.
In an interview Thursday with The Wall Street Journal -- his first since the deal was announced -- Mr. Koum said Mr. Zuckerberg's offer to keep WhatsApp operating as a standalone business with no ads was a key turning point in convincing the startup to sell. Rather than be absorbed into Facebook's business, Mr. Koum sees WhatsApp functioning as a separate arm that will help the social network diversify its revenue streams as it grows.
周四库姆接受了《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)专访,这是他在交易宣布后首次接受媒体采访。库姆称最终说服他卖掉WhatsApp的关键转折是,扎克伯格提出WhatsApp将作为一块独立业务继续经营,且保持不内置广告的模式。库姆认为今后WhatsApp将单独作为Facebook的一个实体继续运营,帮助Facebook在成长的同时实现收入来源的多元化。
Below are edited excerpts of the interview with Mr. Koum:
WSJ: What have the past 24 hours been like?
Mr. Koum: Pretty amazing. To say that we're excited and humbled at the same time would be an understatement.
Mark [Zuckerberg] stopped by the office yesterday after the announcement. We thought it would be good for him to stop by the office and answer any questions people might have and reassure the team that we will stay independent, we will stay autonomous. He talked about how the last thing we want to do, given how much we have achieved, is get in the way of our growth.
WSJ: You have said repeatedly that you want to build an independent business. How did Mr. Zuckerberg finally change your mind?
Mr. Koum: It was very difficult for him to find a good way that would make us be interested in a conversation. But as we got to know each other, we got to respect each other more and more over the years. Once he made it very clear that they are committed to not make changes to the user experience by introducing ads or cluttering the user experience, it became very interesting for us to have a conversation.
Mark proposed something very interesting two weeks ago, where he positioned it more as a partnership. He positioned it more as WhatsApp will stay completely independent and autonomous.
WSJ: What do you have in common with Mr. Zuckerberg?
Mr. Koum: We have a shared mission of connecting the world and making it more open. Obviously, what we do is communication, which is part of connecting the world. But we also have a very long-term vision. Sometimes we talk about where mobile and communication will be five years from now, 10 years from now. The way he thinks about it is almost the same way that I think about it.
WSJ: Where do you think WhatsApp fits into Facebook's broader plans for growth?
Mr. Koum: Mark deserves a lot of credit for realizing that it's good to have different business models in your company. If you look at firms like General Electric or other large companies, they don't just do one thing, they do many different things to generate sources of revenue. I was actually thinking just earlier today how in the late '90s Porsche only used to make sports cars. Now they make SUVs and sedans and all kinds of different models because it's good to have diversification in your business.
库姆:Facebook能够意识到一家公司可以包容多种不同的商业模式,这一点在很大程度上要归功于马克。只要看看通用电气(General Electric)和其他大型企业,你就会发现他们不会只做一件事情。他们会做很多业务以创造种种收入来源。其实今天早上我还在思考,为何上世纪90年代末期只专注跑车业务的保时捷(Porsche),现在却涉足运动型多功能车(SUV)、轿车以及其它种种车型,这是因为业务多元化是一件好事。
We're actually making this business stronger by bringing in yet another type of revenue stream in the future.
WSJ: You are taking a seat on Facebook's board. Was that his idea or Mr. Zuckerberg's?
Mr. Koum: It was all his idea.
WSJ: Now that you have a board seat, do you want to push for changes at this company and be a voice for protecting privacy and user data?
Mr. Koum: To be fair to Mark, I don't understand a whole lot about Facebook's internal metrics and statistics and how the company works and different ways to generate revenue. I told him that. He still insisted that I join the board and help him with decisions, which is very flattering.
I think I will always have my opinions and philosophy, which I will share with him. But for the next few months or few years my focus will be on WhatsApp.
WSJ: What will determine the success of this deal in the coming years?
Mr. Koum: For us, it's about staying independent. It's about staying autonomous, as was discussed and announced during the deal. And it's also about growing. We still have a mission. We still need to get to a billion users and then we need to get to two billion users. And we won't stop until every single person on the planet has an affordable and reliable way to communicate with their friends and loved ones.