Samsung Electronics is just days away from announcing the next generation of its best-selling flagship smartphone, which means that the steady whirring of rumor mill has risen to a healthy hum.
三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)将在几天之后发布其最畅销旗舰智能手机的下一代产品,这意味着此前持续不断的传言已经发展为合理的讨论。
Earlier this month, we took you through the highlights of the expectations and rumors swirling around the device. Some of the rumors then were almost certainly contradictory, unless you believe the new device could sport both an iris scanner and a fingerprint scanner.
But now, with less than a week to go, consensus seems to have congealed around a fingerprint scanner as the next smartphone's most dazzling new feature.
Samsung declined to comment Wednesday.
In one widely-circulated report, SamMobile, which tracks Samsung's myriad devices, cited 'insiders' who say the Galaxy S5, set to be unveiled next Monday at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, will include a fingerprint sensor in the device's home button that does more than just unlock the phone.
追随三星电子各种设备的SamMobile在一份广泛传播的报道中援引内部人士的话称,Galaxy S5将于下周一在巴塞罗那的全球移动通讯大会(Mobile World Congress)上发布,其Home键上将安装指纹传感器,功能不仅限于手机解锁。
Instead, SamMobile reports, the fingerprint will be woven deep into the phone's operating system, making the fingerprint an integral part of accessing a number of features. In some cases, the fingerprint will act as a substitute for typing in usernames and passwords.
Unlike Apple's high-end iPhone 5S, which allows users to unlock their devices by holding one's finger steadily over the home button, Samsung's version will work 'in a swipe manner,' SamMobile says. This will require considerable dexterity from the user, the report says; the entire finger must be scanned each time in a fluid, moderately-paced, moisture-free swipe.
苹果公司高端手机iPhone 5S允许用户通过将一个手指放在Home键上来解锁设备,但SamMobile称,三星电子的手机与之不同,采用滑动式指纹识别。报告称,这要求用户相当灵巧,每次识别都需要手指干燥,并且要流畅、匀速滑动。
So where does all this leave the eye scanner? Last month, Bloomberg reported that Samsung was studying the possibility of including such an innovation in its Galaxy S5.
那么虹膜扫描功能将何去何从?彭博(Bloomberg)上个月还报道称,三星将研究在Galaxy S5中纳入这一创新功能的可能性。
But now, Bloomberg is reporting only that the device will feature a larger, 5.2-inch screen with a sharper display, improved camera functions and better integration with Samsung's smartwatch, with nary an update on the progress of Samsung's eye-scahn studies.
And, if all this speculation isn't your game, the end is at hand. Samsung will lay the guessing game to rest next Monday evening.