日期:2014-02-17 09:57



At that precise moment Zaphod Beeblebrox was in his cabin swearing very loudly. Two hours ago, he had said that they would go for a quick bite at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, whereupon he had had a blazing row with the ship’s computer and stormed off to his cabin shouting that he would work out the Improbability factors with a pencil.
The Heart of Gold’s Improbability Drive made it the most powerful and unpredictable ship in existence. There was nothing it couldn’t do, provided you knew exactly how improbable it was that the thing you wanted it to do would ever happen.
He had stolen it when, as President, he was meant to be launching it. He didn’t know exactly why he had stolen it, except that he liked it.
He didn’t know why he had become President of the Galaxy, except that it seemed a fun thing to be.
He did know that there were better reasons than these, but that they were buried in a dark, locked off section of his two brains. He wished the dark, locked off section of his two brains would go away because they occasionally surfaced momentarily and put strange thoughts into the light, fun sections of his mind and tried to deflect him from what he saw as being the basic business of his life, which was to have a wonderfully good time.
At the moment he was not having a wonderfully good time. He had run out of patience and pencils and was feeling very hungry.
“Starpox!” he shouted.



道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Noël Adams,1952年3月11日-2001年5月11日)是一位英国广播剧作家、和音乐家,尤其以《银河系漫游指南》系列作品出名。亚当斯自称为“极端无神论者”。在去世以前,他是一位非常受欢迎的演讲者,尤其是在科技和环保等题材方面。他在49岁时的早逝在科幻和奇幻社群中引起了极大的哀悼。

  • universen. 宇宙,万物,世界
  • galaxyn. 银河,一群显赫之人
  • occasionallyadv. 偶尔地
  • patiencen. 耐心,忍耐,毅力 n. 单人玩的牌戏
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • rown. 排,船游,吵闹 vt. 划船,成排 vi. 划船,
  • improbableadj. 未必然的,不像会发生的,似不可信的
  • preciseadj. 精确的,准确的,严格的,恰好的
  • deflectv. 打歪,使偏,歪
  • unpredictableadj. 不可预知的