As a young democracy activist, Chen Chu was thrown into jail for opposing the military dictatorship that ruled Taiwan until the 1980s. Decades later, a more matronly Ms Chen is now mayor of Kaohsiung, the second most populous city, and the battle she is fighting is not political but economic.
The industrial port city in the tropical south was once dominated by industries such as ship building and petrochemicals. But competition from cheaper Chinese rivals forced many of those companies to shut or move their factories to mainland China. Even by the standards of Taiwan’s slack economy, Kaohsiung has struggled, economists say.
Now Ms Chen is trying to attract investment and to help new kinds of businesses set up in Kaohsiung to reinvent the once-thriving city. Most strikingly, although a star of the opposition Democratic Progressive party, known for its hostility to China, she has travelled there many times to study its development and to promote her city.
How she fares is crucial, not only for Kaohsiung but for the rest of Taiwan.
“Taiwan needs to create products which will make us competitive,” she says. “Otherwise it will be really difficult for us.”
While industrial Kaohsiung has been hit harder than other Taiwanese cities, it is not alone in its struggle to compete against cheaper and sometimes more innovative rivals from elsewhere.
Growth in Taiwan for 2013 is expected to have hit 1.7 per cent by the government’s official forecast, compared with the prediction of 3.5 per cent that it made last January. In 2012, growth was 1.3 per cent, the slowest rate since 2009.
根据台湾官方预测,预计台湾2013年的经济增速将达到1.7%,而2013年1月的预测为3.5%。2012年,台湾经济增长1.3%,为2009年以来最低。(此文写于2014年1月27日,台湾行政院主计总处(Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics,DGBAS)在1月28日公布的数字显示,台湾2013年经济增速为2.19%——编者注)
Weak growth reflects Taiwan’s reliance on exports, which account for 70 per cent of its economy but have suffered as the eurozone crisis and uncertainty in the Chinese economy dragged on global demand. At the same time, Taiwanese groups such as smartphone maker HTC and Acer, which manufactures electronics, have been overtaken by foreign rivals such as South Korea’s Samsung and China’s Lenovo.
Those troubles have been compounded by the continued growth of Taiwanese-owned factories in China and southeast Asia. While production there helps companies’ profits, the impact on the economy is minimal.
Many, if not most, economists are downbeat about Taiwan’s prospects. Most worrying, says Marcella Chow of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, is the widening gap between exports and export orders.
很多、甚至大多数经济学家都不看好台湾前景。美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的玛塞拉•周(Marcella Chow)表示,最令人担忧的是,出口与出口订单之间的差距日益拉大。
The former measures exports from Taiwan, while the latter includes goods made elsewhere. Recovering global demand has boosted orders, but exports of Made in Taiwan goods remain sluggish. “That’s a big structural problem that Taiwan is undergoing,” says Ms Chow.
Since Ms Chen took office in 2010, she has been aggressive in promoting Kaohsiung to investors, including Chinese ones during her trips there, and trying to make a city polluted by years of industry more attractive as a place to live.
Former sugar and banana warehouses have been turned into chic cafés, shops and offices for digital animation companies, including one involved with the production of the Oscar-winning film Life of Pi. The port authority is expanding capacity to serve more cruises and cargo ships that shuttle goods from China to the west and need a stop-off, says Cheng Chien-Yu, harbourmaster.
曾经的白糖和香蕉仓库被改造为时尚咖啡厅、商铺和数字动画公司的办公场所,包括参与制作奥斯卡(Oscar)获奖影片《少年派的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)的一家公司。高雄港港务局务长程建宇表示,港务局正在扩大吞吐量,为更多游船以及从大陆向西方运输商品并需要短暂停留的货船提供服务。
But local businesspeople say the shift from traditional industries to more modern enterprises is still slow going. One of the few groups to have made the transition is Brogent. Founded by a former Acer engineer, the group makes amusement park simulators whose seats jump and shake in sync with specially made animations.
The city helped find the land it needed to build its offices and the space it uses for testing and construction, says CH Ouyang, chief executive. Only in Kaohsiung, he says, could Brogent find the software developers as well as the steel workers and construction yards it needed. But, as he points out, few start-ups mix old and new industries as smoothly as his. “We’re just taking a first step,” says Mr Ouyang.
智崴首席执行官欧阳志宏(CH Ouyang)表示,高雄帮助该公司找到了兴建办公室和用于测试和施工的土地。他表示,只有在高雄,智崴才能找到它所需要的软件开发人员以及钢铁工人和施工场地。但正如他指出的那样,很少有初创企业能够像该公司这样顺利地将新旧行业结合起来。欧阳志宏表示:“我们只是迈出了第一步。”