Sales of crime novel The Cuckoo's Calling have rocketed since its author Robert Galbraith was unmasked as JK Rowling, according to The Bookseller.It said 17,662 hardback copies were sold between 14 and 20 July, up from just 43 copies the previous week, according to Nielsen BookScan data.The Cuckoo's Calling was the week's bestselling hardback novel, despite some booksellers running out of stock.The Harry Potter author was identified in a newspaper article last week.On a websitededicated to her nom de plume, Rowling said 8,500 English language copies had been sold across all formats, including e-books, before her unmasking.The author added that she had received two offers from television production companies.
"The situation was becoming increasingly complicated, largely because Robert was doing rather better than we had expected him to," she said. "But we all still hoped to keep the secret a little longer."Robert's success during his first three months as a published writer (discounting sales made after I was found out) actually compares favourably with JK Rowling's success over the equivalent period of her career."However, The Bookseller reported the hardback had sold fewer than 500 copies in its three-month period on sale before the Sunday Times' expose.The recent spike in sales were not enough to send The Cuckoo's Calling to the top spot in the official UK top 50, instead landing it in third place.The Rowling revelation coincided with the paperback release of The Casual Vacancy - her first official post-Potter work - which sold 19,548 copies in the same week, making the book number two in the sales chart.Neither title managed to topple John Grisham's The Racketeer from the top of the chart, which shifted 24,222 copies - a 19% drop on the previous week.Elsewhere on the Robert Galbraith website, Rowling has revealed the reason she chose her pen name.She said she picked Robert because US senator Robert F Kennedy was her "hero" and she had never used the name in one of her earlier books."I can only hope all the real Robert Galbraiths out there will be as forgiving as the real Harry Potters have been," she wrote.A sequel to The Cuckoo's Calling has been finished and should be published next year, the author added.
近期的销售还不足以使《布谷鸟在呼唤》荣登英国官方(书籍排行榜)前50的榜首,而是位列第三。罗琳披露其真实身份与平装书《偶发空缺》的出版不谋而合——这是她第一次正式出版后波特系列作品——在同一周卖出19548本,位列销售排行榜第二。两本书都没能成功击败约翰·葛里逊的作品《勒索犯》,该作品占据销售榜第一,成功出售24222本,比前一个星期下降19%。在罗伯特·加尔布雷斯网站的第一部分,罗琳透露了她选择这个笔名的原因。她说她之所以选择了罗伯特这个名字是因为美国参议员肯尼迪(Robert F Kennedy)是她的偶像,并且她从未在早期作品中使用过这个名字。她写道:“我只是希望真正的“罗伯特·加尔布雷斯系列”会获得像哈利波特系列一样的的理解与包容。”作者补充道,《布谷鸟呼唤》的结局现已完成创作,将于明年出版。