Hong Kong is part of China, but is it like China? Overseas employers and students might say yes, after all, more than 16 years have passed since the former British colony’s return to the mainland. But business schools in Hong Kong insist that an education in the special administrative region is so different that students should place it in a different category.
The students
There are distinct differences between Hong Kong Chinese students and their mainland counterparts, TJ Wong, dean of CUHK Business School at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He says his school attracts the cream of the crop from China who have very strong fundamental skills in English, Chinese and mathematics. Hong Kong Chinese students, adds Prof Wong, tend to have a stronger global view and are more willing to speak out in class.
香港中文大学商学院(CUHK Business School)院长黄德尊(TJ Wong)表示,在香港就读的中国学生和内地学生差异显著。他说,他的学院吸引了中国的顶尖学生,这些学生英文、中文、数学基本功俱佳。黄德尊教授称,在香港就读的中国学生拥有更强的全球视野,更愿意在课堂上发言。
Mainland students tend to value listening to their superiors more, he says.
Sachin Tipnis, executive director of MBA programmes at the University of Hong Kong, notes that mainland and Hong Kong Chinese students bring vastly different backgrounds to the classroom. Many Hong Kong students work in the financial services industry, he says, and they also have more exposure to the whole region. Mainland Chinese students are not only more country specific, he says, they also have different corporate backgrounds. “In Hong Kong, not many people are connected to manufacturing,” he points out.
香港大学(University of Hong Kong) MBA课程行政主管萨钦•蒂普尼斯(Sachin Tipnis)提到,内地和香港的中国学生为课堂带来截然不同的背景。他表示,很多香港学生就职于金融服务业,并且更了解整个地区。内地中国学生的经验更局限于本国,企业背景也有所不同。他指出,“在香港,有制造业背景的人不多。”
Sean Ferguson, associate dean of masters programmes at HKUST Business School, also thinks Hong Kong students have a broader view, but says HKUST has made efforts to recruit mainland Chinese students who will not be reticent about contributing. “Five to 10 years ago that was definitely the stereotype, so we changed what we’re looking for.”
香港科技大学商学院(HKUST Business School)分管硕士课程的副院长肖恩•弗格森(Sean Ferguson)同样认为香港学生视野更开阔,但他表示香港科大也在采取行动,招收那些愿意发言贡献观点的内地中国学生。“5到10年前,沉默少言绝对是内地学生的典型形象,因此我们努力寻找特点不同的学生。”
Mainland Chinese students represent valuable future contacts for students hoping to do business in the greater China region. Clearly, a mainland Chinese school will offer most opportunities in this respect, but mainland students also make up between 10 per cent and 25 per cent of full-time MBA students at the three highest-ranking homegrown business schools HKU, CUHK and HKUST.
Business links
Hong Kong business schools concede that a school based in Shanghai or Beijing is currently a better place to learn about doing business in China.
“It’s a trade-off. Obviously you can learn more about being in China by being there.” says Kalok Chan, acting dean of HKUST.
香港科技大学商学院署理院长陈家乐(Kalok Chan)表示:“这是种取舍。很显然,身处中国更利于了解如何在中国经商。”
But Hong Kong schools also say that the territory is a good place to come to learn more about doing business with China. “We want students to remember that business is global,” says Mr Tipnis.
Southern China opportunities
All three schools have their eyes on southern China and say students should expect growing expertise in those economically prosperous provinces closest to Hong Kong, but which currently have no good business schools.
CUHK appears to be ahead of its peers in southern China. It is opening a campus in Shenzhen, north of the border with Hong Kong. The first intake of undergraduate business students will be in September.
Job prospects
A significant differentiating factor is also Hong Kong’s preferential visa environment and the widespread use of English. Mr Tipnis says every graduate student is entitled to apply for a Hong Kong work visa. He says that 60 per cent of graduates from HKU’s business school remain and work in the region. In addition, English is widely spoken in Hong Kong and so language is not the barrier it can be for many students studying in China.