Your favourite coffee shops
In Food & Drink By Sari Zeidler
BBC饮食专栏 Sari Zeidler
Whether it stirs up a sense of adventure for the day ahead, or helps you settle in for a cosy evening of contemplation - there's nothing quite like a good cup o' joe. So when we travel, we just follow the locals to the best spot in town! From Bangkok to San Francisco, London to Seoul, our readers shared snapshots of their favourite coffee shops from around the globe.
Base Camp of Photographer Cafe in Danba, a small town in the Chinese province of Sichuan, has an intriguing name which I still can't quite make sense of. More than nine hours drive from the nearest city, this cafe does proper fresh coffee, to find in these parts. The view has to be the finest of any cafe in all of China. (Daniel McCrohan)Origo café, China
在中国四川省一个小镇:丹巴里,有一家拥有非常有趣却让人不太能搞懂其名字意义的咖啡店——Base Camp of Photographer Cafe。从附近最近的城市前往小镇需要9个小时,但这家咖啡店的咖啡绝对会让你觉得不虚此行,咖啡的口味是附近最新鲜正宗的,而且在这家咖啡店里能看到全中国其他任何一家咖啡店都看不到的美景。(Daniel McCrohan)
Origo café, China
Shenzhen is no slouch when it comes to café culture. Newly opened this year, the uber-quirky Origo café is more like a museum shop than a haven of the brown stuff. There are as many drink varieties as objects d'art. (Kelvin Hayes)