日期:2014-01-25 10:32
Oneday,adonkey was carrying abundle ofwood and he fell into the river.
He struggled to come out fromthewaterbutinvain.Thedonkeymoanedandcried for help.
Some frogs in the water heard the cries.They came to the douke and said,“You only farll into the river once and you make such a fuss,How about US who stay in the water for such a Iongfirne?How pitiful would that be?"
住在池里的青蛙听见了驴子的呼救声,成群出来围观。 青蛙对驴子讥讽说:“你只不过是摔了一跤,跌进池塘里,就这样大嚷大叫,高喊救命,如果你像我们一样长期居住在这里,你又会痛苦成什么样子呢?”