After decades living in the shadow of the West Coast’s more numerous and wealthier geeks, 2013 was the year New York City’s tech start-up community really found its swagger.
Backing from City Hall and the metropolis’s first billion-dollar deal – Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr – built on several years of momentum to create a start-up community that is hoping to make up for what it lacks in deep technical capability with cultural and industrial diversity.
Some Silicon Valley luminaries are already starting to see New York as a better place to build tech start-ups – among other local perks. Sean Parker, the Napster founder and first president of Facebook, railed against Silicon Valley’s “echo chamber” when he hosted the Founders Forum event for entrepreneurs in New York this October.
纽约除了原有的许多优势之外,一些硅谷名流已开始将纽约视为创建科技企业的更佳场所。Napster创始人、Facebook首任总裁肖恩•帕克(Sean Parker)去年10月在纽约主持“创始人论坛”(Founders Forum)活动时,向与会企业家们抱怨起了硅谷的“回音室”现象。
“New York feels more normal to me. Silicon Valley feels totally in the clouds,” he said. “There is something so all-consuming about the tech world in San Francisco and it’s inescapable . . . If you are building a consumer internet company in particular, you need to have a people-centric perspective.”
Technical capabilities are not Mr Parker’s only concern.
“Your engineers here have less sexual frustration [in New York]. It’s a major point – they are happier people,” he said to nervous laughs from the assembled entrepreneurs. “In New York engineers go out and get laid and have fun.”
While Silicon Valley retains a dominant share of US tech deals, New York’s has been growing steadily (see chart), even though most of that funding was for early stage companies, suggesting the community will take some time to build real scale.
“While still smaller than Silicon Valley, New York looks to be the only market with enough momentum to eventually (in the medium to long term) overtake Silicon Valley as a venture capital hub,” say analysts at CB Insights, a research consultancy.
研究咨询机构CB Insights的分析师们表示:“尽管规模仍不及硅谷,但纽约看起来是唯一一个具备足够动能,最终(在中长期内)成为超越硅谷的风险资本中心的市场。”
Rather than trying to out-geek Silicon Valley, New York entrepreneurs and investors say it can succeed as a tech hub because it sits alongside so many other sizeable industries, from finance and real estate to fashion and media, rather than just tech.
After completing the Y Combinator accelerator programme in Silicon Valley in 2011, the founders of Codecademy, a site that teaches computer programming, moved back to New York.
2011年在硅谷参加完Y Combinator创业孵化器项目后,Codecademy网站的创始人们回到了纽约,该网站教授电脑编程技能。
“One of the primary considerations was that we aren’t designing a product for people in San Francisco,” says Zach Sims, chief executive of Codecademy, which now has 22 staff in New York. “As we try to build a product for a mainstream audience, it helps to be around mainstream people. Being surrounded with people from other industries allowed us to test our product.”
“我们主要考虑的一个问题是,我们不是为旧金山人设计产品的,”Codecademy首席执行官扎克•西姆斯(Zach Sims)表示,“我们正努力为主流用户设计产品,因此生活在主流人群中是有帮助的。周围其他行业的人们让我们可以测试我们的产品。”该公司目前在纽约有22名员工。
However, more of the traffic still goes the other way. The creators of photo app Frontback, backed by prominent New York investor Betaworks, moved from Brooklyn to San Francisco this autumn, for example, because its founders felt it was more likely to have longer-term success there.
While Tumblr has remained in New York after its takeover, Yahoo’s buyout of the blogging site suggests that, like many up-and-coming start-up communities, the biggest “successes” are acquired by Silicon Valley giants rather than breaking out on their own.
Some say that could change next year, with some online retailers such as Etsy, a marketplace for craft or handmade goods, and Rent the Runway, a members’ site that rents out designer dresses, tipped as potential IPO candidates.
一些人表示,今年情况可能会出现变化,出售手工艺品的Etsy和出租设计师服装的会员网站Rent the Runway等一些在线零售商被认为有可能启动IPO。
But other one-time darlings of New York’s online retail market have struggled to maintain momentum. Fab.com, which sells designer homewares, and Gilt Groupe, a luxury goods vendor, both suffered from consumer fatigue of Groupon-style flash sales sites, leading to staff cuts and management changes in the past six months.
然而,纽约在线零售市场上其他曾经的宠儿却难以保持增长势头。销售设计师家居用品的Fab.com和奢侈品销售商Gilt Groupe都遭遇了消费者对Groupon风格的限时特惠网站的厌倦,这导致两家公司在过去6个月均出现裁员和管理层变动。
New York may have more sex appeal than the “monoculture” of Silicon Valley, but despite the recent progress of its tech community, Silicon Valley’s focus still seems to trump New York’s diversity when it comes to creating a sustained stream of local successes.