Extreme foods are nothing new. Remember KFC's Double Down of 2010? But this year restaurant chains took the concept to a new level. "We've seen operators from different segments roll out buzzworthy food mash-ups that shock and delight curious customers," says Laura McGuire of food research firm Technomic. Case in point: the cronut (see above)—a doughnut/croissant hybrid. Whether these items left you drooling or repulsed, extreme food items keep restaurant concepts top of mind by generating news. We took a look at seven of them from the past year.
极端食品并不是什么新事物。还记得肯德基(KFC)在2010年推出的双层炸鸡汉堡(Double Down)吗?但在今年,连锁餐厅业把这项概念推向了一个新高度。“我们看到不同领域的运营商推出引发热议的混搭食物,让好奇心重的客户备受震撼,惊喜不已,”食品研究公司Technomic的劳拉•麦圭尔说。一个恰当的例证是cronut(上图所示):一种把甜甜圈和羊角面包混合在一起的食物。无论这些极端食品是让你垂涎三尺,还是恶心不已,它们总是能够成为新闻,让你牢牢记住蕴含于其中的餐饮理念。现在,我们就一起来回顾一下过去一年最具代表性的7种极端食品。
Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich
Chain: Dunkin' Donuts
Can't decide between an egg sandwich or a glazed doughnut in the morning? Dunkin' Donuts (DNKN) solved this eternal struggle for breakfast lovers in 2013 with the creation of its Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich, comprised of bacon and a pepper-fried egg nestled between two sides of a glazed doughnut. Dunkin' started testing the doughnut-sandwich combo in the Boston area before rolling it out nationally. It became a permanent menu item in June on--of course--National Donut Day.
Notable Review: "This thing comes in at a scant 360 calories. A bacon egg 'n cheese croissant packs a whopping 480. It is borderline nutritionally irresponsible NOT to eat this thing."
- Thrillist
一大早不知道是吃鸡蛋三明治,还是吃釉面甜甜圈?唐恩都乐(Dunkin' Donuts)在2013年推出了釉面甜甜圈早餐三明治——釉面甜甜圈夹熏腌肉和辣椒炒鸡蛋——解决了这样一个让早餐爱好者永远都难以抉择的难题。唐恩都乐首先在波士顿地区试销这款由甜甜圈和三明治组合而成的食品,随后推向了全国。6月份,它成为一个固定的菜单选项,上菜单的日子当然选在了全国甜甜圈日那天。
—— Thrillist
Stacked Grilled Cheese Burger
Chain: Jack In The Box
Like the Dunkin' Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich, this gem is a lifesaver for the indecisive. Jack In The Box (JACK) launched the burger/grilled cheese hybrid on its new late-night menu (9pm-5am) in September. The Stacked Grilled Cheese Burger can be ordered a la carte, or if that's not enough for you, as a "Munchie Meal" that includes two tacos and "Halfsies"--half curly fries, half regular fries. At 1,679 calories and 97 grams of fat, that should tide you over until morning.
Notable Review: "The burger portion was pretty good, but when combined with the grilled cheese crown, it really exploded with satisfactory goodness."
——Man Reviews Food
如同唐恩都乐的釉面甜甜圈早餐三明治一样,对于拿不定主意的早餐爱好者来说,这款美食无疑是一个救星。9月份,盒子里的杰克(Jack In The Box)在其深夜菜单(晚9点至凌晨5点)推出了这款汉堡和烤奶酪混杂食品。堆叠式烤奶酪汉堡可以按菜单订购,如果还不够吃的话,你可以再订购一份“麦奇餐”(Munchie Meal),除正常分量外,外加两个玉米饼和“两个半份”——半份炸薯圈,半份标准量薯条。1,679卡路里的热量和97克脂肪,应该可以让你坚持到早晨。
精彩评论: “汉堡部分还不错,但跟烤奶酪结合在一起,那真是让人满意到家了。“
——Man Reviews Food
Chain: Taco Bell
The Mexican fast food joint proved it could make anything into a taco this year with the Waffle Taco--a waffle encompassing scrambled eggs and sausage (syrup available on the side). Don't be surprised if you haven't come across this creation. It's part of Taco Bell's larger efforts to break into the breakfast market -- about 800 restaurants currently serve breakfast, with a goal of launching the meal nationally in 2014.
Notable Review: "Once I got far enough in to have a composed bite, the party was over. If they could, my taste buds would have called the cops."
- Serious Eats
这家墨西哥快餐店今年用华夫饼玉米卷证明,它可以把任何材质做成玉米卷。华夫饼玉米卷是一种包含炒鸡蛋和香肠(侧面还有糖浆)的华夫饼。如果你还没有见过这样的创作,请不要惊讶。它是塔可钟(Taco Bell)为进军早餐市场所做的努力之一。目前有大约800家餐厅提供早餐。塔可钟计划在2014年把这款新品推向全国。
——Serious Eats
Chain: Boston's Restaurant & Sports Bar
While Jack in the Box decided on grilled cheese as the platform for its meat patty, Boston's Restaurant & Sports Bar opted for pizza. Offered for a limited time, it was a half-pound Angus burger wrapped in either a pepperoni pizza or a five-cheese pizza. The brand's Canadian sister chain Boston Pizza introduced the creation in March, and then Boston's Restaurant & Sports Bar launched its version of the Pizzaburger in its 40 U.S. locations in August. It ended the offer in October.
Notable Review: "The first few bites were exquisite in their alienness -- here was the familiar sensation of beefy burger, but also wait... what's that? Pizza too? What the hell? It's like my taste buds were telling my brain, "How can this be? This isn't supposed to happen!"
- WordsByNowak
连锁餐厅:波士顿餐厅和体育酒吧( Boston's Restaurant & Sports Bar)
盒子里的杰克决定把烤奶酪作为它推广肉饼的平台,而波士顿餐厅和体育酒吧(Boston's Restaurant & Sports Bar)则选择了比萨饼。限期供应的比萨汉堡其实是一个被辣香肠比萨饼或5种奶酪比萨饼包裹的半磅安格斯汉堡。这个品牌的加拿大姊妹连锁餐厅波士顿比萨(Boston Pizza)在3月份创造出了这款美食,波士顿餐厅和体育酒吧随后于8月份在全美40个店面推出它的比萨汉堡版本,但在10月份停止了供应。
Chain: Del Taco
The Lake Forest, California-based chain launched these monsters at its 550 restaurants in November. These are serious burritos, weighing in at between 14 and 18.5 ounces each--in some cases double the size of some of the other burritos on Del Taco's menu. One variety, the Epic Steak and Potato Burrito, is stuffed with carne asada steak, fries, cheese, sour cream, and bacon, clocking in at 1020 calories.
Notable Review: "[L]et's consider this important question: is it at all possible for a fast food burrito to be called truly, truly epic? Damn straight."
- Food Beast
11月份,这家位于加州湖林市的连锁餐厅在旗下550家店面推出了这款庞然大物。它是正宗的卷饼,重量在14至18.5盎司之间——在某些情况下,它的块头大约是德尔塔克(Del Taco)
精彩评论:“让我们考虑一个重要的问题:一种快餐卷饼真的可以被冠以史诗之名吗?谁敢说不可以! ”
——Food Beast
Chain: Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut ran a limited time offer from April through May that was a cheese lover's heaven and a lactose intolerant person's nightmare. In the Crazy Cheesy Crust Pizza, the regular pie was surrounded by 16 "dough pockets," which were basically pizza dough filled with a combination of five cheeses, that could be removed and eaten on their own or attached to the slice. Pizza Hut told Fortune it took the company a year to develop and that it tested more than 50 cheese combos.
Notable Review: "The future of American pop food seems to be products based on the fever dreams of a madman, if stuff like the new Crazy Cheesy Crust Pizza by Pizza Hut is anything to judge by."
- Chow.com
必胜客(Pizza Hut)在4月份至5月份供应的这款新品堪称奶酪爱好者的天堂,乳糖不耐症者的噩梦。疯狂的奶酪皮比萨是一个标准馅饼周围附加了16块“面团口袋”,它们基本上是由5种奶酪结合而成的比萨面团,可取下来单独吃,或者附着在比萨周围。必胜客告诉《财富》杂志,它历经1年时间才开发出了这款新品,先后测试了超过50种奶酪组合。
Chain: Carl's Jr.
You can't forget dessert. After a four-week market test, this mega-sweet treat launched in July as a limited time offer. The move inspired late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel to quip that the restaurant company was reading his dream journal. Even though it had a limited run, don't despair. Carl's Jr. says there's a chance it could eventually return to the menu. The idea evolved from the chain's first hand-scooped ice cream sandwich made with over-sized Oreos. Carl's Jr. employees then started walking through supermarket aisles to find the next "carrier" for its ice cream.
Notable Review: "With the demise of the cupcake, are Americans looking at an era of dessert innovation as restaurants jockey for supreme pastry domination? Or perhaps Carl's Jr. is merely looking to capitalize on the fact that Americans love anything (anything) that comes in sandwich form?"
- Eater
你可别忘了甜点。经过为期4周的市场试验,这个巨型甜点从7月份开始限时供应。此举促使深夜电视节目主持人吉米•金梅尔打趣说,这家餐饮公司肯定正在读他的梦想日记。即使供应时间有限,你也不要绝望。卡乐星公司(Carl's Jr.)表示,它完全有机会重返菜单。这个想法最初来自该连锁餐厅使用过量奥利奥饼干制作的手舀冰淇淋三明治。卡乐星公司的员工随后开始在超市过道中为其冰淇淋寻找下一个“载体”。