Each January, when the Consumer Electronics Show hits Las Vegas, TV makers claim their top sets to be the 'world's largest,' 'world's first, ' and 'world's best.' This year, LG is making the first declaration of awesomeness with a triple threat: The company says it will debut a 77-inch OLED television that will boast the Ultra HD resolution -- 3,480 x 2,160 pixels -- and a curved screen.
每年1月国际消费类电子产品展览会(Consumer Electronics Show, 简称:消费电子展)在拉斯维加斯盛大开幕时,电视生产商总会争相发布“全球最大”、“全球第一”、“全球最好”的产品。今年LG电子(LG Electronics Co.)首度带来一项“三项全能”的产品,称将发布一款大小77英寸、分辨率3,480 x 2,160超高清曲面OLED电视。
This makes it the world's largest OLED set, says LG, an important bragging point because OLED (organic light-emitting diode) technology promises unparalleled contrast and response time, not to mention the thinnest screens. Instead of requiring a separate light source to illuminate pixels, like LCD TVs, OLED pixels illuminate themselves when they receive electric current. OLED has long been the 'next great thing' in the TV business -- and at the CES show -- but TVs based on the technology have been slow to hit the market.
As for that curved shape, TV makers argue that it offers a more immersive picture.
LG isn't yet talking about how much it would sell such a display for -- if it ever brings the set to market -- it'll cost enough to be found in more mansions than Best Buy showrooms.
LG尚未宣布这款产品的售价,但是可以想像,如果最终上市的话,昂贵的价格肯定会让人们更多地在大厦公馆而不是百思买(Best Buy)的卖场看到它。
While OLED has been shown off at CES for years now, no set has been this big, and it's been rare to see even design prototypes with the Ultra HD resolution. At the 2013 CES, LG's top OLED set was 55-inches, and only had the typical 1080p high-definition screen, and was priced at $10,000 when it finally shipped. The company's rival, Samsung, released its own 55-inch HDTV at the same price. At that show, Sony showed off an Ultra HD OLED, but its screen size measured just 56 inches, and it never came to market.
Alongside LG's 77-incher will be smaller 55-inch and 65-inch curved OLED televisions, all capable of displaying in 3D TVs as well, LG said in a press release. The company plans to open OLED production plants in Brazil, Poland, China and Thailand. LG also said it's opening a OLED plant in Mexico later this year to produce OLED sets for North America.
On top of the 77-inch OLED TV, LG will also exhibit a 105-inch curved Ultra HD television with a resolution of 5,120 x 2,160 pixels and feature a 21:9 aspect ratio, giving the insanely large display an extra-wide feel. While the 77-inch TV makes use of an OLED display, the 105-inch model is built with standard LCD technology. Samsung will have a 105-inch Ultra HD TV at CES, too, featuring the exact same 5,120 x 2,160 resolution.
在本届消费电子展上,LG还将展出一款105英寸的曲面超高清电视,分别率5,120 x 2,160,屏幕比例21:9,给用户带来超大超宽的屏幕体验。这款产品没有采用OLED显示技术,而是使用了标准的LCD技术。三星也将展出一款105英寸的超高清电视产品,分辨率也同样达到5,120 x 2,160。