Photographers around the planet captured the changing colors and dramatic light that signify the movement of animals and the start of colder temperatures for many parts of the world. -Leanne Burden Seidel ( 30 photos total)
全世界的影师用镜头捕捉到的这个世界色彩的变化、捕捉到的展现动物运动的生动光影以及捕捉到的世界各地初寒料峭的景象。——Leanne Burden Seidel ( 总共30张照片)
A girl shakes a young tree to make the yellow leaves fall in a park among seasonal colored trees on an autumn day in the Belarusian capital of Minsk, Oct. 14.
The sun shines through the cloudy sky behind a tree with autumnal leaves in Cologne, Germany, Oct. 29. (Oliver Berg/EPA)
A Red Grouse stands in the heather at sunrise near Goathland in the North Yorkshire Moors on Sept. 26, in Pickering, England. More seasonal Autumnal weather is returning to much of the UK after a late spell of warmer than average temperatures. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
People stop on a bridge over the river Garry to view the autumn scene near Killiecrankie, Scotland Oct. 28. (Russell Cheyne/Reuters)
Morning fog covers the downtown as a landscaper rakes the grass on top of the Vancouver Convention Centre's living roof in Vancouver, British Columbia Oct. 17. The plants and grass are trimmed every autumn at the end of the growing season. (Andy Clark/Reuters)