You don't often see a man walking around a field of cows wearing a pink tutu. Needless to say, we were intrigued by Bob Carey and the shirtless photos of him gallivanting around in a costume often worn by little girls. We sensed there was a good story behind this alter-ego ballerina, but we didn't expect it would be this heartwarming.
The photographer, who has recently moved from Brooklyn to New Jersey, started the TuTu Project when his wife Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003.
The illness reminded Carey that sometimes, laughter really can be the best medicine. 'It gave us something to focus on that was fun,' Linda added.
As she continues to battle the disease, Mr Carey has continued to take the pictures with the hope of turning them into a book and raising awareness and funds for cancer charities.
Linda Carey expressed the unexpectedly huge response from cancer survivors expressing thanks around the web. "Many want to share their story or say thanks for sharing the images," she relayed in an e-mail to the Huffington Post. "The project really is no longer about Bob and I but all those who have been touched by cancer."
琳达说,这个项目在网上引起了癌症康复者的巨大反响,他们纷纷对这一项目表达谢意,这让她感到吃惊。“许多人想要分享他们的故事,或者想表达对这些分享的照片的谢意,” 她在与《赫芬顿邮报》的通信中说到,“这个项目已经不仅仅是关于鲍勃和我的,而是关于每个曾被癌症触碰过的患者的。”