The sign-language interpreter accused of making up hand gestures at Nelson Mandela's memorial said Thursday that he is schizophrenic and was hallucinating at the time.
被指在曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)葬礼上胡乱比划的手语翻译周四称,他当时突发精神分裂症,产生了幻觉。
The revelation raises questions about security at an event where he stood beside U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders.
这样的事件引发了人们对葬礼安全性的质疑,葬礼上名为塔姆桑卡•简特杰(Thamsanqa Jantjie)的手语翻译就站在美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)和其他各国领导人的身边。
'I'm currently a patient receiving treatment in schizophrenia,' Thamsanqa Jantjie said in an interview with a Johannesburg radio station, Talk Radio 702. He said he was certified to translate spoken English into sign language, and that he has successfully handled other high-profile events in South Africa for deaf audiences.
But Mr. Jantjie said that as he took the stage within arms' length of Mr. Obama and other leaders at a memorial in a Johannesburg soccer stadium on Tuesday, he slipped into an altered state. He said he saw angels coming into the stadium.
'I don't know the attack of this problem, how will it come,' he told the Associated Press on Thursday. 'Sometimes I get violent on that place. Sometimes I will see things chasing me.'
周四他对美联社(Associated Press)说,他不知道当时自己发病,也不清楚发病的原因。发病时,他有时感到暴躁,有时看到有什么在追他。
In the radio interview, Mr. Jantjie refused to elaborate on his medical treatment. Efforts to reach him by phone were unsuccessful.
Advocates for the deaf in South Africa and beyond said Mr. Jantjie's gestures showed little connection to what Mr. Obama, top South African officials and other dignitaries were saying.
'The structure of his hand, facial expressions and the body movement did not follow what the speaker was saying,' said Braam Jordaan, an official with the World Federation for the Deaf.
世界聋人联合会(World Federation for the Deaf)的官员乔达安(Braam Jordaan)说,他的手势、面部表情和肢体语言没有体现发言者的讲话内容。
Mr. Mandela, who died last week at 95 years of age, drew more than 90 heads of state as well as movie stars and rock stars to the 90,000-seat stadium. Mr. Jantjie's gestures were projected on large screens to those in the stadium and to millions more watching on television.
Mr. Jantjie said in the radio interview that he had interpreted at other high-profile events including the funeral of Albertina Sisulu, one of Mr. Mandela's comrades in the fight against white-minority rule in South Africa. She died in 2011.
简特杰在接受电台采访时称,他曾在其他重大场合担任过手语翻译,其中包括艾伯蒂娜•西苏鲁(Albertina Sisulu)的葬礼。西苏鲁是曼德拉反对南非种族隔离斗争中的同志,她于2011年离世。
'If I was interpreting wrong through these years why should it become an issue now?' he said.
The African National Congress confirmed that it had hired Mr. Jantjie before. But the party Mr. Mandela led to power as South Africa's first black president in 1994 said that Tuesday's memorial had been organized by the government, not the party.
南非非洲人国民大会(African National Congress, 简称:非国大)证实,以前曾雇用过简特杰。但非国大称,周二的葬礼由政府组织,而不是该党。
'Until yesterday, the African National Congress had not been aware of any complaints regarding the quality of services, qualifications or reported illnesses of Mr. Jantjie,' the party said.
A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria wouldn't comment about the potential risks of having Mr. Jantjie on stage just feet from Mr. Obama at a time when the interpreter said he was hallucinating.
South African officials tried to play down the incident. ' I don't think we as a country need to first jump and say we should be embarrassed,' said Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, deputy minister for women, children and people with disabilities.
南非官员努力淡化该事件的影响。南非妇女、儿童以及残疾人事务部副部长博格潘尼-祖鲁(Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu)说, 他个人认为南非作为一个国家不必第一个站出来说,南非应该感到尴尬。
Collins Chabane, a minister in South African President Jacob Zuma's cabinet, said on Thursday that he couldn't comment on how Mr. Jantjie was hired or whether he was vetted until an investigation was complete.
南非总统雅各布•祖玛(Jacob Zuma)内阁的部长沙巴纳(Collins Chabane)周四表示,在调查结束前,他不会对简特杰如何被雇用或他是否将被审查发表评论。