Ji Chen jumped out of his chair when he heard the good news — the State Council announced in November that market access will be eased to encourage start-up businesses. The 20-year-old accounting major at Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology can finally achieve his dream of starting a company without going through the difficult registration procedure, like his peer Huo Baiyi had to. Professionals believe that this reform is going to benefit more students who want to start up a business.
Complicated procedure
Huo Baiyi, 21, is a social work major at Nanjing Institute of Technology. He set up a media company in early 2012 and started the registration process in March.
“Back then, the minimum capital for limited liability companies was 30,000 yuan. My partner and I had to combine all of our money to meet this requirement,” he says. But money wasn’t the only problem. In order to prepare all the necessary paperwork, they had to go back and forth between the local bureau for industry & commerce, the public security bureau and the taxation bureau more than 10 times. “Both my cell phones were ringing all the time,” he says, “it nearly drove me crazy.”
“那时候,有限责任公司的最低注册金额为3万元。为符合要求,我和合作伙伴们不得不拿出全部积蓄,” 霍白毅说。但资金并非唯一的问题。为了把所有相关文件备齐,他们在当地工商局、公安局和税务局之间来回跑了十多趟。他说:“我的两部手机天天响个不停,令人抓狂。”
Relaxed registration requirements
Now that the situation is changing, Ji is preparing for the registration procedure. The minimum capital requirements for limited liability companies, one-person limited liability companies, and joint-stock companies with limited liability, have all been scrapped. Besides, requirements for the site of business operation have also been relaxed.
This preferable policy is extremely useful for students like Ji, who normally don’t have much money or a business site. “What we have is a laptop and creative minds,” says Ji.
After the reform, it didn’t take him long to prepare all the necessary documents. “I’m going to submit them to the local bureau for industry & commerce next week and I expect the registration process to be completed in less than one week,” he says.
Positive effect
“The reform is definitely exciting news for students,” says Yu Pengtian, director of the National Science Park at Harbin University of Science and Technology. “No minimum capital requirement means a lower cost for starting a business. From a macro perspective, it’s an incentive for students to launch a start-up.”
哈尔滨理工大学科技园管理有限公司总经理于澎田表示: “这项改革对于学生而言无疑是个振奋人心的消息,取消‘资金门槛’意味着创业成本降低。从宏观上看,此举将鼓励更多学生创业。”
Chen Gaosheng, associate professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics, praised the relaxed requirements on the business site. “Many students in our university run their business from a studio because they don’t have a business site. Before the reform, this undermined their accountability when doing business,” he says. Now, however, students can run a stable and promising business.
中央财经大学副教授陈高生对放宽经营场所登记条件的改革举措表示大加赞赏。他说: “我们学校很多学生没有经营场所,都是在工作室中进行创业。改革前,这样做生意会有损诚信。” 但是如今,同学们可以稳定经营自己的大好前途了。