Miguel Bustillo
Miguel Bustillo
Alexandra Zapruder : An Iconic Film Leaves Complicated Legacy
亚历山德拉?泽普鲁德(Alexandra Zapruder):珍贵影像留下的复杂遗产
It has been five decades since her late grandfather captured those fateful 26 seconds on Kodachrome film, but people still ask Alexandra Zapruder if she is that Zapruder.
Abraham Zapruder's film forever changed his family's fortunes. It garnered them millions of dollars, but tied their name to one of the most infamous events in U.S. history.
亚伯拉罕?泽普鲁德(Abraham Zapruder)拍摄的影像永久地改变了他家庭的命运。那段影像为他们带来了数百万美元,但也把他们的名字同美国历史上最臭名昭著的事件之一联系在了一起。
'My attitude and feelings toward the film-and to the strange, odd, weird events surrounding it-are complicated,' said Ms. Zapruder, a 44-year-old writer who lives outside of Washington, D.C.
Her grandfather, a Dallas dressmaker and Russian immigrant, found himself in possession of priceless historical evidence when he captured John F. Kennedy's assassination with his Bell & Howell home-movie camera.
她的祖父是一位俄罗斯移民,在达拉斯从事裁缝工作。他用自己的Bell & Howell家用摄像机拍摄下了肯尼迪遇刺的影像,从而拥有了无价的历史资料。
But his relationship to the footage was 'not a happy one,' Ms. Zapruder said. A Kennedy supporter, he felt the film exacerbated Jacqueline Kennedy's grief. He had nightmares about the assassination for the rest of his life and rarely used his camera again, she said.
但亚历山德拉?泽普鲁德说,那段影片为她祖父带来了不愉快的经历。作为肯尼迪的支持者,他感觉这段影像加剧了杰奎琳?肯尼迪(Jacqueline Kennedy)的痛苦。她表示,祖父在余生中经常会做有关肯尼迪遇刺的噩梦,而且几乎没有再使用过那部摄像机。
In the shooting's aftermath, Mr. Zapruder was questioned by law-enforcement officials and hounded by the media, whom he worried would exploit the footage. He nonetheless sold the film's rights for $150,000 to Life magazine, which initially decided not to publish the frame showing the gruesome shot to the president's head.
The Zapruder film took on a life of its own. Interest grew exponentially after a bootleg copy appeared on national TV in 1975 and again when Oliver Stone used clips from it in his 1991 movie 'JFK.' By then, Life had sold the film back to the family for $1.
后来亚伯拉罕?泽普鲁德拍摄的这段影像越来越受到关注。在1975年一段盗版影像出现在国家电视台上后,外界对它的兴趣暴增,在奥利弗?斯通(Oliver Stone)在1991年拍摄的电影《刺杀肯尼迪》(JFK)中使用了这段影像的片段后,这种情况再度出现。那时,《生活》杂志已经以1美元的价格将这段影像回售给泽普鲁德家族。
The federal Assassination Records Review Board decided in 1997 the government should take the original copy, which required it to reimburse the family for the film's fair market value. But the family and the government disagreed on its price. The Zapruders had been making about $20,000 a year by granting the right to reproduce the images, according to legal documents filed during arbitration between the Zapruders and the Justice Department. The department eventually paid the Zapruders $16 million in 1999.
联邦暗杀记录审查委员会(Federal Assassination Records Review Board)在1997年决定,政府应该获得影像原件,这需要以合理的市场价值赔偿给泽普鲁德家族。但该家族和政府之间在价格问题上意见分歧。据泽普鲁德家族与司法部(Justice Department)在仲裁期间提交的法律文件显示,该家族通过授权复制该影像每年可获得约2万美元。司法部在1999年最终向泽普鲁德家族支付了1,600万美元。
The Zapruders later transferred the copyright on the film to Dallas's Sixth Floor Museum, which chronicles the assassination. They rarely spoke to the media about the film in depth until Life asked Ms. Zapruder earlier this year to write a story about her grandfather for a 50th anniversary coffee-table book.
泽普鲁德家族后来把该影像的版权转让给达拉斯的六楼博物馆(Sixth Floor Museum),这是一家专门保存肯尼迪刺杀案相关档案的主流博物馆。他们极少对媒体深入谈论过这段影像,直到今年初《生活》杂志要求亚历山德拉?泽普鲁德为一本纪念肯尼迪遇刺50周年的书籍写写关于她祖父的故事。
Ms. Zapruder said her family didn't often speak privately about the film, either, while she was growing up. Her grandfather died in 1970 when she was 10 months old. It took her years to realize, after interviewing relatives and family friends and researching public testimony by her grandfather, how much anguish the assassination caused him.
She has come to accept the legacy that follows the Zapruder name.
'I don't feel that it is a tragic burden,' Ms. Zapruder said. 'It is a fact of our life.'