Jan Joubert has fought in some of Africa’s nastiest wars, trained presidential bodyguards to scupper assassination attempts and run a diamond mine in the face of rebel threat. But what was really hell, says the former private military contractor, was taking on an MBA at Henley Business School in the UK at the age of 40.
简•朱伯特(Jan Joubert,见右图)参加过非洲一些最危险的战争,训练过总统的贴身保镖(以防范刺杀活动),也顶着叛军威胁的压力经营过钻石矿。不过,这名前私人军事合同承包人说,以40岁的年纪在英国亨利商学院(Henley Business School)攻读MBA学位,才是真正地狱般的经历。
The South African, who joined the military at 17 and became a commander in 44 Parachute Brigade’s Pathfinder unit in Namibia and South Africa, has been used to giving orders all his life.
朱伯特是南非人,17岁参军,在纳米比亚和南非当过南非第44伞兵旅(44 Parachute Brigade)探路者部队(Pathfinder unit)指挥官。他这辈子一直习惯于发号施令。
But signing up for an MBA meant hours of collaborative discussion instead and refraining from “negative criticism” in what lecturers said was “a safe space”. “In the military, the guy with the highest rank is the final authority. He decides we go left; everybody goes left. There are no questions, there’s no debate about it; that’s it . . . It’s not a two-way communication,” says Mr Joubert.
“What was hell was having been a commander/chief executive all your life where everybody had to dance to your tune – and now sitting in a classroom . . . You have to consider everybody’s views and everybody’s emotional state and you have to be nice to everybody. That was difficult for me.”
At the start of the MBA Mr Joubert “just kept quiet”. “Some people’s views are just so far out of whack with your own that you can’t see how you can interact,” he says. “I just got extremely frustrated and I thought it was an absolute waste of time and why should I convince people that my view is correct and theirs are not?”
Mr Joubert is used to issuing instructions without debate. In the 1990s he worked for Executive Outcomes, a group of former soldiers hired by governments. In 1995 he arrived in Sierra Leone to help defend the government against a brutal rebel onslaught and trained the bodyguards for two of Sierra Leone’s heads of state.
朱伯特过去习惯于不受质疑地发出指令。上世纪90年代,他曾效力于Executive Outcomes,那是一家由退伍士兵组成的私人雇佣军公司。他曾在1995年来到塞拉利昂,帮助政府抵御叛军的猛烈进攻。他还为塞拉利昂的两位国家领导人训练过贴身保镖。
Eighteen years later, the 44-year-old still works in the west African country, where he has led a turnround at Koidu diamond mine, once ransacked and burnt during the 11-year civil war that ended in 2002.
For Mr Joubert, the MBA was a way to counter his military past, overcome a perception for being a rigid authoritarian and be taken seriously in the business world. He also wanted to expand the mine that he had spent years of his life developing.
“[If you’re ex-military] people always judge you and view you as a soldier and I wanted to get out of that stigma,” he says. “I want to be viewed as a serious entrepreneur who can stand my ground in any corporate environment.”
He has already stood his ground for 16 years. He helped safeguard the Koidu mine during the civil war and rebuilt it when the war ended in 2002. By then the mine had been closed for five years and had suffered badly at the hands of the rebels. Today the mine supplies Tiffany, the luxury jeweller, which buys 60 per cent of the Koidu mine’s diamonds by value.
While mine ownership has changed hands several times, Mr Joubert has been a constant figure. For years he was chief executive of Koidu Holdings; today he is chairman of Octea, which is the holding company for Koidu, and a diamond mining subsidiary owned by Beny Steinmetz Group the natural resources company founded by the eponymous Israeli businessman.
尽管钻石矿几经易手,但朱伯特的地位始终岿然不动。他曾多年担任Koidu控股(Koidu Holdings)的首席执行官。如今,他是Koidu的控股公司Octea的董事长。Octea是贝尼斯坦梅茨集团(Beny Steinmetz Group)的钻石开采子公司,这家集团是由以色列商人贝尼•斯坦梅茨(Beny Steinmetz)创办的自然资源公司。