In the coming 'Transformers 4, ' the city of Hong Kong is set to take a beating. But on Thursday, it was the movie's director who got bruised.
尚处于拍摄过程的《变形金刚4》(Transformers 4)中,香港这个城市将会遭到打击。但周四落得鼻青脸肿的却是这部影片的导演。
Hong Kong police received a report around 9 a.m. this morning that a 48-year-old man named Michael was assaulted during a movie shoot by a pair of brothers demanding 100, 000 Hong Kong dollars (US$12, 900). When police arrived at the site of the filming, they too were attacked and punched by the men, who did not carry weapons.
Though police did not identify the victim further, local media reported it was American movie director Michael Bay, whose past credits include 'Armageddon, ' 'Pearl Harbor' and other installations of the 'Transformers' series. Attempts to reach Mr. Bay for comment weren't immediately successful.
虽然警方没有说明受害者的身份,但当地媒体报道说,被打的是美国电影导演迈克尔·贝(Michael Bay)。他以往的作品包括《世界末日》(Armageddon)、《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)和《变形金刚》系列的其他几部影片。记者未能立即联络到贝置评。
While movie directors have made a habit of reducing Hong Kong to rubble-in just the past couple of years it has suffered the destruction of its Bank of China tower by aliens ('Battleship') and an attack by giant sea creatures ('Pacific Rim')-the real-life metropolis of seven million people is extraordinarily safe, though violent public attacks aren't unheard of. In years past, crime organizations called triads were known to approach movie crews for protection money.
虽然电影导演们已经习惯了让香港灰飞烟灭——仅仅过去几年中,香港就在《超级战舰》(Battleship)中遭遇了中国银行大厦被外星人摧毁,以及在《环太平洋》(Pacific Rim)中受到巨型海怪的攻击——但这个有700万人口的大都市在现实中是非常安全的,不过暴力的公开攻击行动也并非前所未有。前些年,名为“三合会”的犯罪组织还以向电影工作者收取保护费而出名。
Andrew Lau, vice president of the Hong Kong Film Directors' Guild, said he was puzzled by the attack. 'This is a very odd incident that I have never seen before, ' he said. 'Who would dare to assault a film director?' said Mr. Lau. 'This would only happen maybe 20 years ago.'
香港电影导演会(Hong Kong Film Directors' Guild)副会长刘伟强(Andrew Lau)说,他对这起攻击事件感到迷惑。他说,这是我以前从未见过的奇怪事件,谁敢打电影导演?这种事情只可能发生在20年前。
These days most movie directors are surrounded by staff, he said.
A police spokesman said that the victim on Thursday received some facial injuries, but declined medical treatment. The three police officers who were assaulted were slightly injured and sent to the hospital, she said.
The two brothers-aged 27 and 28-were arrested on charges of assault and blackmail.
'Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, ' due for release next summer, has a cast that includes Chinese Mandopop singer Han Geng. Filming has already begun in Chicago, with some sets intended to mimic Hong Kong, where sundry explosions take place.
《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers 4: Age of Extinction)定于明年夏天上映,其演员阵容包括华语流行歌手韩庚。该片已经在芝加哥开拍,一些布景模仿香港。在影片中,香港发生了各种各样的爆炸。
Previous Transformer movies have lit up the box office in China, with 2011's 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' grossing US$145 million there, more than any other country other than the U.S.
之前的《变形金刚》影片在中国大获票房成功。2011年的《变形金刚:月黑之时》(Transformers: Dark of the Moon)在中国吸金1.45亿美元,超过除美国外的任何其他国家。