There's so much misinformation out there regarding skin care, not to mention plenty of old-wives' tales (some of which are actually right) and lots of well-intentioned bad advice. That's because skin care is tricky, and depends on your skin type. However, there are some tried and true rules — most of which violate at least a rule or two you may have heard elsewhere — that really do work for all skin types.
关于护肤,我们也许接受很多错误信息,有些信息可能是长辈们口口相传的,有些信息可能是某些人给的善意的错误建议 。肌肤护理是一件很难把握的事,因为每个人的肤质不同,然而,我们有一些通过实验的好的护肤经验可以跟大家分享 。今天的护肤经验都有点不同寻常,但是却真真实实的有效果 。
How have I learned the information below? From speaking with skin experts, makeup artists (natural and conventional) and testing out literally thousands of products over the last 10 years that I've been reviewing natural beauty products.
我是怎样获得以下护肤经验的呢?我和皮肤专家交流过,也咨询过化妆师(传统自然妆),并通过我在在10年以内尝试过上千种护肤产品的回顾,得出以下经验 。
1. You don't need to wash your face with hot water to get it clean:
In fact, hot water can cause redness and irritation in people with sensitive skin, and for those with normal skin, it can still dry out delicate facial skin, leaving it more susceptible to all kinds of issues, from red, flaky dermis to acne. Wash your face with mildly warm to air-temperature water. It will get the job done without irritating your skin. The same goes for the rest of your body; it may feel good to burn it up in the shower, but especially as cool weather draws closer, this is guaranteed to irritate your skin.
事实上,用热水洗脸会对敏感型肌肤有刺激,可能会导致红血丝的出现 。热水洗脸还会让皮肤更脆弱,皮肤更容易产生肌肤问题,如红血丝和粉刺问题 。洗脸时用微微温热的水或是和室温差不多的水可以洗干净脸,也不会刺激到皮肤 。洗澡水的温度也同理 。一个热水澡也许会让你感觉很舒服,然而,太热的水会伤害你的皮肤,特别是秋冬季节 。
2. Oil is good for your skin, not bad:
Many vegetable oils are old-school ways of moisturizing the skin that we have long ignored. (I can't be the only one who has heard stories of her great-grandmother lathering her hands up with olive oil and then wearing cotton gloves to bed). You can wash your face with coconut oil or slather it on after you've showered; same with sesame oil and olive oil (go with the smell you prefer). After using an oil a couple of times, you will notice that your skin — whether oily or dry — evens out and is either less oily or more naturally moisturized. Most new formulations of high-end beauty products contain skin-protecting oils because they work (use argan or sea buckthorn oils on your face if you want to start with a lighter lipid first).
很多植物油护肤的方法我们早就不用了 。(相信我不是唯一听说,奶奶将橄榄油倒在手中抹匀后,带一双棉手套睡觉的故事 。)你可以将椰子油抹在脸上,或是洗澡后在身上涂上一层 。当然也可以用芝麻油或橄榄油(选择你喜欢的味道)在使用天然植物油一段时间以后,你会发现,无论你是油性皮肤红石干性皮肤,皮肤会变得不那么油腻,更滋润了 。很多美容护肤产品里都含有保护皮肤的油脂,因为皮肤需要 。(如果你不想让你的脸太油,可以选用用摩洛哥坚果油或是沙棘油)
3. You don't need to scrub to exfoliate:
3. 聪明去死皮:
Scrubbing with most drug-store brand cleansing scrubs is much too harsh for most skin types (more frequent and harder face-washing can actually exacerbate acne, so lighten up). Instead of using toxin- and chemical-packed scrubs in a tube, exfoliate naturally using fruit. As long as you are not allergic (obviously), rubbing the inside skin of a fresh mango, mashed strawberries, or fresh pineapple chunks directly on your face, leaving the natural, fruit acid AHAs on there for a few minutes, then rinsing off, is the best exfoliator you can get. This method may be a little too much for extra-sensitive skin, but works well for all other skin types.
很多去死皮的产品其实对任何肤质的皮肤都有点过了 。(频繁使用去死皮产品其实会导致粉刺的产生,所以,少用为妙)其实水果可以替代那些化学元素组成的去死皮产品 。确保你的皮肤对某些水果不过敏的情况下,可以用芒果片涂脸,也可以用捣碎的草莓,或是菠萝 。让水果汁在脸上停留几分钟,然后洗掉 。水果天然的果酸会让你的皮肤焕然一新 。这个方法可能对皮肤及其容易过敏的人有点不适应,但是大多数皮肤是没有问题的 。
4. What matters most for healthy skin is not what you put on it, but what you eat:
A healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, lots of water (and maybe a skin-benefiting tea), minimal alcohol and plenty of sweat-drenching exercise will make skin glow more than any expensive cleanser or moisturizer. You'll feel great too.
健康的饮食——大量新鲜水果、蔬菜、水(或是对皮肤好的茶)少量的酒以及让你大汗淋漓的运动可以让皮肤健康美丽,这些比任何昂贵的护肤产品都要好 。你自己也会觉得很健康 。
5. Chocolate doesn't cause acne, but bread and pasta might:
There have never been any conclusive studies linking chocolate-eating to acne, though there have been some that connect high-glycemic foods to breakouts.
5.巧克力不会让你长痤疮粉刺,高糖含量食物会引起皮肤问题:没有任何一个研究证明吃巧克力会长粉刺痤疮 。然而,面包和意大利面条这些很容易转化糖的食物却很容易产生皮肤问题 。