To the Chinese government, Facebook Inc. isn't a social-media platform, it's a channel for Chinese businesses to expand beyond the country's borders.
对于中国政府来说,Facebook Inc.并不是社交媒体平台,而是中国企业在境外扩张的一个渠道。
At least that is the implication of a post on the website of China's State Council Information Office following a meeting between Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and the office's head, Cai Mingzhao. The post includes a photo of Ms. Sandberg and Mr. Cai standing next to each other in the formal pose with a Chinese flag drooping in the background--a routine setup usually taken by Chinese officials during all manners of state visits.
至少这是中国国务院新闻办公室主任蔡名照与Facebook首席运营长桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)会面后,新闻办网站上的一条报道所传达的信息。报道包括桑德伯格与蔡名照以正式的姿势并肩站着的合影,背景中有一面垂着的中国国旗,这是中国官员在所有形式的正式访问中通常采取的惯例安排。
Ms. Sandberg, who declined to speak to media during a book promotion event Tuesday night in Beijing, met with Mr. Cai earlier in the day to discuss Facebook's role helping Chinese enterprises expand abroad, according to the government site. Tantalizingly, the post also says the two discussed other cooperative items, without elaborating.
Most likely, the meeting is less about the potential of Facebook to open up in China and more an acknowledgement that the American Internet giant's business here increasingly resembles that of Google Inc., which makes the bulk of its money in the country helping Chinese businesses advertise in foreign markets.
最有可能的情况是,两人会面讨论的内容与Facebook在华运营的可能性关系不大,更多地是承认这家美国互联网巨头在中国的业务越来越像谷歌(Google Inc.)的模式,谷歌在中国的收入大多来自帮助中国企业在海外市场进行广告宣传。
Facebook is blocked in China, and amid a deep freeze on political commentary by online posters, it looks highly unlikely that the site will open any time soon. Instead, Ms. Sandberg's meeting shows that for U.S. tech companies, the rise of the Chinese economy--and in turn Chinese companies--means the country is now an increasingly important source of advertising dollars.
That means for Ms. Sandberg and Facebook, even as they have been stiff-armed from the world's largest pool of Internet users, it's important to wear a smile and lean in to the Chinese market.