Ladies, men aren’t happy when you succeed — but they won’t admit it, according to a new study.
女人们,根据最新研究,男人们不会为你的成功而高兴的——但是他们不会承认自己的不高兴 。
Research shows straight men’s self-esteem drops following a romantic partner’s success, while women’s self-esteem remains unchanged after hearing similar news.
根据研究,当男人知道自己的女人成功以后,会觉得自己的自尊受损,然而女人听到自己的男人活得成功以后,不会觉得自己的自尊心受影响 。
Study author Kate Ratliff of the University of Florida explained “there is some evidence that men automatically interpret a partner’s success as their own failure,” in a report published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
本研究在《个性与心理学》杂志上发表,在研究中,根据佛罗里达大学研究员Kate Ratliff的报道“一些证据表明,男性会将自己伴侣的成功很自然的归结为自己的失败 。”
In one experiment, college students were told their partners scored in either the top 12% or bottom 12% in a “test of problem solving and social intelligence.”
在实验中,大学学生告诉他们的伴侣自己在“解决问题和社交能力”的测试中取的了前12%的成绩或是后12%的成绩 。
How their girlfriends performed didn’t affect men’s reported self-esteem — what they told researchers — but when given a test to determine how they felt subconsciously, it was clear men whose partners performed well experienced a drop in self-worth. The subconscious testing involved quizzing participants on what adjectives they use to describe themselves.
那同学们告诉研究员,自己女朋友的表现不会影响到自己的自尊心 。然而,当研究院对男生做潜意识测试时,得出的结果却显示,当男生的女朋友表现得很好时,男生觉得自我价值在贬值 。潜意识测试包含了让测试者自己形容自己 。
But the same didn’t hold true for women, whose self-esteem wasn’t affected by their partners’ success. In fact, women reported feeling happier about the relationship when men succeeded.
然而同样的测试,在女性身上却没有男性的表现 。女性的自尊心不会因为男性的成功而受到影响 。事实上,研究报告显示,女性会因为自己伴侣的成功而感觉到高兴 。
This could be because “men tend to be more competitive than women,” Ratliff suggested.
“A similar argument is that self-esteem might be impacted when one fails to fulfill the roles ascribed to one’s gender,” she wrote in the report.
“还有一种可能是,当性别赋予的角色有挫败感时,自尊心就会受影响 。”研究员在报告中写道 。
Additional experiments took place in the Netherlands and in online surveys of more than 600 people. In all cases, the findings were similar.
还有一个类似的延伸的实验,在荷兰,研究员通过网络,做了600份调查 。调查结果和以前的实验结果也是非常近似的