日期:2013-08-13 13:48


The jury in that case ruled that 26 Samsung's products violated six Apple patents and awarded Apple $1.05 billion in damages.
But the judge in the case, Lucy Koh, later denied Apple's request to ban the sale of the 26 products. Judge Koh ruled that Apple didn't satisfactorily link any harm it may have suffered in the market to Samsung's infringement. Apple is appealing that ruling.
但该案中的法官科赫(Lucy Koh)后来驳回了苹果提出的禁止销售三星26款产品的请求。科赫裁定,苹果在市场上可能遭受的损害与三星侵权行为之间的关系证据不足。周五美国联邦巡回上诉法院审理的正是苹果对那次裁决提出的上诉。
Since then, Samsung has stopped selling many of those 26 products. But the case still has big ramifications, legal experts say, because the Federal Circuit could drastically redefine whether─or when─companies should be able to knock competitors' products off the shelves after findings of infringement.
'The appeal is really about how hard will it be for Apple to get injunctions in future cases,' said Brian Love , a patent expert and law professor at Santa Clara University.
专利专家、圣克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University)法学教授勒夫(Brian Love)说,这次上诉实际上关乎苹果在未来案件中争取法院发出禁售令的难度。
'If the law tilts in its favor, their bargaining power goes up in future cases,' he said. Mr. Love said Apple would gain leverage in a second suit brought in San Jose federal court, involving a set of newer Samsung phones.
Apple filed claims against Samsung at the ITC in 2011, claiming that the company's products infringed several patents. An ITC judge agreed with Apple with regard to four patents, one of which relates to the basic design of the iPhone as a handheld rectangle with rounded corners.
On Friday, the full commission is slated to unveil its review of the case.
A broad finding of infringement could halt U.S. imports of some Samsung devices and, as Samsung's lawyers wrote in a June filing, 'create an immediate and long-lasting shortfall in the availability of mobile devices in the U.S. market.'

  • availabilityn. 有效,有用,有益;可得到的人(或物)
  • rectanglen. 长方形,矩形
  • appealingadj. 引起兴趣的,动人的
  • juryn. 陪审团,评委会 adj. 临时用的 vt. 挑选
  • patentn. 专利,特许 adj. 专利的,显著的 vt. 批准
  • leveragen. 杠杆(作用,力量),举债经营 v. (使)举债经营
  • appealn. 恳求,上诉,吸引力 n. 诉诸裁决 v. 求助,诉
  • requestn. 要求,请求 vt. 请求,要求
  • shortfalln. 不足之量,差额
  • filingn. 锉(文件的整理汇集)