Welcome to the Guisachan Gathering, a festival of all things golden retriever. It's one of the happiest places on earth.
欢迎来到金毛犬集结大会,这个大会估计是的全世界最欢乐地方之一了 。
The festival is run by the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland and held at the ancestral home of the breed. The club first held such an event in 2006 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the organization, and 188 goldens showed up from around the world, at the time, the largest group ever photographed in one place. This year's gathering, held in July, set a new record of 222 dogs.
大会的主办方是苏格兰金毛犬俱乐部 。苏格兰是金毛犬的故乡,2006年,的金毛犬集结大会是第一届金毛犬集结大会,大会的目的是为了纪念苏格兰金毛犬俱乐部成立50周年,当时,来自世界各地的188只金毛犬参加了这次大会,并集结到一起合影留恋 。今年7月举行的金毛犬集结大会上,来参加大会的金毛犬数量再创新高,来自世界各地的金毛犬总数达到了222只 。
There's definitely plenty of time for family photographs, and non-human frolicking
当然,照相机有很多机会捕捉到家庭成员们再次重逢的喜悦相互起嬉戏的欢乐 。
Oh, and there's also a dog show.
当然还有狗狗走秀时间 。
And of course, some human and golden jigs to be had -- it is Scotland
人狗踢踏舞是必须的——这可是在苏格兰 。
But really, it's just a time to bask in the glory of all things golden retriever and the special bond so many families share with their canine pals
当然也是每个养金毛犬的家庭和狗狗们一起晒幸福的时光 。