There are vending machines in sports centres and shopping centres. They stand proud in schools and hotels. You can clunk in cash and dunk for your drink in stations and airports.
体育场、卖场、学校、宾馆、机场、车站等公共场合,你都能见到自动售货机的身影,只要投币,就能享受到你想要的饮品 。
But if it sometimes seems like vending machines are taking over the country - like an army of static robot sentries - wait until you see vending machine culture abroad.
然而当看到世界各国那千奇百怪的自动售货机时,你就会觉得自动收的功能真的强大的可以和机器人媲美 。
It’s not just the sheer volume of machines in countries like China, Japan and the US, it’s what they sell. Like crab...
让人惊奇的不仅是自动售货机在各个国家的数量,更让人叫绝的,是自动售货机里面卖的东西 。
Here’s our guide to some of the weirdest vending machines in the world.
快来围观一下那些遍布世界各地的千奇百怪的自动售货机吧 。
In China you can get Coca Cola from one vending machine, crisps from the one next to it and live crabs from the one next to that.
在中国,你可以从一台自动售货机里买到可口可乐,然后从旁边一台里面买到薯片,然后再旁边一台里买到鲜活的大闸蟹 。
Yep, in China, live hairy crab, a local delicacy, is available from a vending machine. The crabs probably aren’t best pleased.
螃蟹?是的,活螃蟹,在很多地区都是餐桌上的上等佳肴 。居然可以在自动售货机里买到 。相信蟹大侠并不喜欢被陈列在自动售货机里吧 。
It’s the news secret middle class alcoholics will be raising a toast of something fruity-with-a-hint-of-oak to. Somebody has invented a wine vending machine, which is currently only in service in the US.
那些酒鬼中产阶级们可以随时举杯了 。有人发明了酒水自动售货机,目前只在美国可以找到 。
It’s an age old problem: you wake up at 4am and there isn’t a strawberry to be had. Well it’s one problem humanity no longer has to struggle with. Farmers in Belgium have invented a 24-hour chilled fresh strawberry vending machine that - as the name suggests - vends chilled fresh strawberries 24 hours a day.
老大爷老太太们早上四点就睡不着了,但是哪里都没开门,想吃草莓怎么办?目前这个问题在比利时已经得到解决 。比利时农民发明了鲜草莓自动售货机,确保了一天24小时都能买到新鲜草莓 。
Chips (or French fries) are so popular in the Western world that it was only a matter of time before somebody invented a way to get them after a swim or before boarding a plane. This French fry vending machine is in Las Vegas .
炸薯条在西方是很受欢迎的食物,所以炸薯条自动售货机的发明是必然的 。在拉斯维加斯,这种炸薯条自动售货机已经开始工作了 。
Vending machines used to be all about junk - fizzy drinks, fried potato snacks, live hairy crabs and so on. But these are nothing if not health conscious times, which explains the increasing proliferation of machines selling peas, carrot sticks and other healthy items.
自动售货机的定义似乎就是卖冰冻饮料和垃圾食品,但在健康意识越来越强烈的今天,自动售货机也被赋予了卖健康食品的使命,青豆、胡萝卜等制成的健康零食也被成列进了自动售货机 。
No, you can't buy a taxi from a vending machine (yet), but in New Orleans you can buy a cool drink in the back of your taxi.
你不能在自动售货机里买到的士服务,但是你却可以在美国新奥尔良的的士后面买到一杯冷饮 。
It's a high tech version of those roadside stalls you still come across in rural parts with a pile of eggs and an honesty box. This egg vending machine is in operation in the Netherlands.
在新西兰,一种卖鸡蛋的自动售货机正在郊区的路边,从这种高科技售货机可以里,可以买到鸡蛋和蜂蜜 。
Japan has more vending machines per head of population than any other country, so as well as fizzy drinks, sex toys and iPods there’s also a machine for dispensing rice.
按人均占有的比值,日本是拥有自动售货机最多的国家 。自动售货机不仅卖冷饮、计生用品、电子产品,还卖大米 。