One-third of American adults are obese, a health crisis that is typically linked to eating too much food, eating the wrong kind of foods, and not getting enough exercise.
三分之一的美国成年人肥胖,这是通常是与吃得太多、饮食不正确且没有得到足够锻炼有关的健康危机 。
But there are also psychological factors at play.
但也有心理因素在起作用 。
New research from Florida State University shows that making people feel bad about their bodies actually increases the risk of obesity, rather than encouraging people to lose pounds.
佛罗里达州立大学的新研究表明让人们对自己身体感觉失望实际上增加了肥胖的几率,而没有鼓励人们去减肥 。
Weight discrimination, also known as fat-shaming, includes teasing, bullying someone to lose weight, and other biases that appear in the workplace or relationships linked to weight.
体重歧视,也称为肥胖羞辱,包括取笑,威逼别人去减肥,以及出现在工作场所或人际关系中与体重有关的其他偏见 。
More than 6,000 men and women from the U.S. participated in the four-year survey to test whether weight discrimination is associated with becoming obese or staying obese.
来自美国的超过6000名男性和女性参加了为期四年的调查来测试体重歧视是否与变胖或者一直肥胖相关联 。
Subjects reported their experiences with weight and other types of discrimination that had been directed toward them between 2006 and 2010, and their body mass index was recorded at the start and end of the study.
主题报道他们与体重有关的经历以及其他类型的歧视在2006年和2010年之间一直针对着他们,他们身体的质量指数在研究始末都被记录下了 。
Participants who were overweight at the beginning of the study were about 2.5 times more likely gain weight and become obese by follow-up if they reported weight discrimination, according to research published in the journal PLOS One on July 24.
在研究开始就超重的参与者约2.5倍的可能体重增加,如果他们被报道体重歧视,后续会变成肥胖,据7月24日发表在《PLOS One》上的研究 。
Weight discrimination was equally harmful to participants who were already obese. These participants "were over three times more likely to remain obese at follow-up, rather than drop below the obesity threshold, than those who did not experience such discrimination," according to the study.
体重歧视对已经肥胖的参与者来说也同样有害 。比那些没有经历这种歧视的人,这些参与者“超过三倍的可能在后续研究中保持肥胖,而不是低于肥胖阈值”,根据这项研究 。
"Weight discrimination is associated with behaviors that increase risk of weight gain, including excessive food intake and [lack of] physical inactivity," the researchers conclude. "Heightened attention to body weight is associated with increased negative emotions and decreased cognitive control."
“体重歧视与增加变胖风险的行为有关,包括过多的食物摄入量和缺乏身体锻炼,”研究者总结说 。“高度重视体重与负面情绪积累以及减少认知控制有关 。”