日期:2013-08-03 01:21


After hearing the saying “Love is blind” millions of times we maythink for a second that it’s an ultimate truth. Well, the newhomegrown romantic comedy Love Is Not Blind sets out toprove the old saying is wrong.
在无数次听到“爱情是盲目的”这句话之后,我们可能会不假思索便把它当做是绝对真理。然而,新上映的国产爱情喜剧《失恋33天》(英文名称:Love Is NotBlind)却证明了这句俗语并不成立。

Based on the popular novel of the same name, the film charts the events of a 33-day periodbetween two colleagues and friends–Huang Xiaoxian (Bai Baihe) and Wang Xiaojian (Wen Zhang),after Huang breaks up with her boyfriend of seven years. They work together in a weddingplanning company.

Even if you’re not interested in the “let’s talk about love” or “how to deal with a breakup” angle,you will be impressed by the funny lines and amusing moments in the film.

Of course, most of those don’t come from the character of Huang, whose story of a youngwoman falling out of love is nothing new. Instead, what makes the film memorable is Wang, a typeof character audiences don’t see much in past Chinese films.


Wen Zhang’s performance as Wang is undoubtedly the biggest surprise of the film. Wang is a thinand slightly effeminate young man in his mid-twenties, who is devoted to the finer things in life.

His gestures–the way he walks or holds a bag, uses hand cream and applies lip balm–reveal hisprissy nature. In a voiceover at the beginning of the film Huang remarks on Wang’s unclearsexuality identity.

The plot of the movie revolves around the relationship between the two characters. Wang helpsHuang through a wedding planning job because she’s in no mood to finish it. Wang embarrassesHuang’s ex-boyfriend in public to get back at him for her. Wang also slaps Huang to bring her toher senses when she chases her ex’s car. Finally, Huang and Wang move in together asroommates.

However, an ending with the two falling in love would be such a cliché – and that’s where the film issmart. Instead of focusing on their growing feelings for each other (if there are any), it comes backto Huang’s state of mind.

After planning weddings for so many couples, Huang takes time to analyze what went wrong withher former relationship and how she should move on. More importantly, she’s not alone.

At the end of the film, Wang lights up the neon sign across the office building so that Huang can“have something to look at when standing at the window”, and sends her a text message saying“I’ll always be by your side”. At this point, you might not see it as a love confession, but a flash ofwhat “Love is not blind” means.

Maybe love is not blind, as long as you open your eyes and see what really matters. Maybe love isnot blind, as long as there’s someone, like Wang, who always lights up a light for you.

  • comedyn. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件
  • identityn. 身份,一致,特征
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • plotn. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地, v. 绘图,密谋,
  • devotedadj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入
  • ultimaten. 终极,根本,精华 adj. 终极的,根本的,极限的
  • revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • memorableadj. 值得纪念的,难忘的
  • slightlyadv. 些微地,苗条地