Whether you're a millionaire or a middle-class father of two, we all make the same mistakes when it comes to money – we think the more we earn, the happier we'll be.
不管你是百万富翁还有有两个孩子的中产阶级父亲,涉及到钱时我们都犯同样的错误——我们认为赚得越多越快乐 。
If you really want to buy yourself a more fulfilling life, it's not how much money you earn that matters, but figuring out the right way to spend it.
如果你真的想为自己买来更充实的生活,重要的不是你赚多少钱,而是找出正确的花费方式 。
You're buying too many things and not enough experiences.
你买了太多的东西,却没有足够的经历 。
In a world where anything and everything can be yours with a credit card and access to the Internet, it's easy to get swept up by material things.
在一个用信用卡什么都可以属于你的世界里,以及网络的接入,很容易被物质所席卷 。
But if you recognized the fact that you could get more satisfaction out of a $50 dinner with friends than that big screen TV or new iPhone, it might change the way you shop.
但如果你承认这个事实:和朋友一起进行的50美元晚餐比大屏幕电视机或新iPhone能让你得到更多的满足感,它可能会改变你的消费方式 。
You're more focused on getting more money than buying more time.
你更加关注于获得更多的钱,而非购买更多的时间 。
Sometimes, we get too caught up in either working hard to save a buck or working hard to earn a buck to realize what really matters – our time.
有时候我们太陷入要么努力省钱或努力工作挣钱,却没有意识到真正重要的是我们的时间 。
Now, if you get a high from saving five cents on a gallon of gas by driving 10 miles out of your way, then fine. But most people would be happier spending a little extra money to get home 20 minutes earlier for dinner.
现在,如果通过驾驶10英里出去从而在一加仑汽油上省了五美分你兴致高昂,那么好的 。但大多数人多花点钱提前20分钟回家晚餐会更快乐 。
You think a McMansion will make you happy.
What could possibly be more satisfying than ditching that old starter home you and your spouse moved into during your broke newlywed years?
Two studies cited in "Happy Money" prove otherwise.
在《快乐金钱》中提到的两项研究中提到证明都证明了相反的结论 。
When researchers followed groups of German homeowners five years after they moved into new homes, they all wound up saying they were happier with their newer house. But there was one problem: They weren't any happier with their lives. The same was true in a study of Ohio homeowners in which it turned out they weren't any happier with their lives than renters.
当研究人员追踪一组德国房主搬进新居后的五年,他们都说因为他们的新房子而更加快乐 。但是有一个问题:他们对自己生活没有更满意 。同样的是在一个俄亥俄州房主的研究中,他们对自己的生活的幸福感还赶不上租房者 。
You're letting yourself have too much of a good thing.
When you've got unlimited financial resources, it may seem stupid to deny yourself simple pleasures that you've come to enjoy, like new jewelry or an expensive bottle of wine with dinner every evening.
当你获得无限的经济资源,否认自己享受到的简单快乐看起来很愚蠢,就像新珠宝或每天晚餐上的一瓶昂贵的红酒 。
But when you reach that point of material over-saturation, you could be killing the potential to make yourself any happier.
但是当你达到物质“审美疲劳”那个点,你可能会扼杀使你更快乐的潜能 。
This is the sad reality of the human experience: The more we're exposed to something, the more its impact diminishes.
这是人类经验的一个悲哀现实:我们接触到的东西越多,它的影响越会减少 。
You're investing too much in yourself and not enough in other people.
Like love, it stands to reason that the happier you are with yourself, the more likely it is that you'll bring happiness to others..
就像爱情,有理由认为你自己更快乐,你给别人更有可能带来快乐 。
Make others happier first and you'll bring yourself happiness in the process. It sound obvious, but you'd be surprised how many of us forget it.
首先使别人快乐,在这个过程中你会让自己快乐 。这听起来很明显,但是你会惊讶地发现我们多少人忘了它 。