Spending time with most dogs you will probably find they want nothing more than to be close to you and be at your side as you experience the world. Food, water and loving attention is all you need to provide to win a dog’s heart. It is a simple price. But the admission into their hearts is worth more than their weight in gold.
养狗的朋友肯定知道,在狗狗的心里,没有比和主人形影不离更重要的事情了 。一点食物、一点水和你对它们的爱就能让你成为狗狗的全世界 。对人类来讲,这些要求是如此的简单,然而你在它们心中的地位却是千金不换的 。
Dan McManus is a professional paragliding and hang gliding instructor in Utah. He has been flying for about 37 years and he can be found most days catching the breeze at the flight park on a mountain ridge at the south end of the Salt Lake valley. However, in recent years he has also been joined on many flights by his service dog Shadow. McManus suffers from a general anxiety disorder but manages to keep many of the symptoms in check with the constant companionship of his Australian cattle dog. While flying in itself has been a calming pursuit he soon found out that his service dog never wanted to be away from him (a bit of separation anxiety for Shadow).
美国犹他州的丹.麦克马斯纳是一名滑翔伞运动专家,同时也是一名滑翔伞教练员 。丹从事滑翔伞飞行运动已经近37年之久 。大多数时间他都在南部山脉接近盐湖谷尽头的飞行场练习上空乘风飞翔 。近年,他的很多次飞行都将自己的帮助犬“影子”带身边 。“影子”是一只澳大利亚牧羊犬 。因为丹患上了焦虑症,“影子”的职责就是陪伴丹,一旦丹的有症状,他能做出预警 。尽管滑翔伞运动员必须保持绝对冷静,丹很快发现自己的服务犬很愿意跟自已同行(“影子”没见到丹会有一些不安) 。
McManus said he would often come home from flying to find that Shadow had scratched up the doors and floors while he was away. At the flight park Shadow could run but was often times on the ground chasing him from below as he made his flights. Shadow has even been to known to try to hold onto McManus’ boots with his teeth in order to get in the air. “It felt like he wanted to keep me safe.”
丹告诉我们,他不在家的时候,“影子”经常抓门和地板 。在训练场地,“影子”会跟在自己的滑翔器下面跑 。“影子”甚至会咬住丹的鞋子,仿佛是想要确保丹时刻都很安全 。
As a dog owner I can completely understand that. My Australian cattle dog mix, Chica, has been known to stand guard at the base of the cliff and keep people away from my belay partner. When I am on the ground, people are free to come and go as they please. But the moment I start climbing she is on watch.
作为狗狗的主人,我很理解“影子” 。它总是像个卫兵一样站在训练场地,当我套上安全绳索准备起飞时,它不让任何人靠近我 。当我在陆地上时,人们可以自由在我身边活动,但当我准备起飞时,它就开始密切关注,不让人打扰我 。
With Shadow wanting nothing more than to be with him, about nine years ago McManus had a specialty harness made from the skin of a durable duffle bag and the two have been flying together since. Incidentally, Shadow was originally named Bandit but the name was quickly changed after it became apparent he did want to leave McManus’ side. Seeing the two fly together can easily be described as therapy for them both. McManus said the experience “resonated” with the two of them, “you just don’t get bored. There are so many aspects to it.”
当然“影子”最渴望的还是和丹一起飞翔 。大约9年前,丹用一个厚实的帆布包为“影子”特制了一个滑翔器马甲背带,从此,主仆俩就开始了共同滑翔的生活 。“影子”最开始被叫做“班迪”,当丹发现它喜欢寸步不离后,就给它改名字叫做“影子” 。现在主仆俩飞翔在一起似乎是相互的慰藉 。丹说与“影子”一起飞翔能感受到彼此“心灵相通”“我们从不厌倦对方,一切都那么有趣 。”
On this assignment, since there was no way you were going to get me off the ground, I decided to try using two GoPro cameras. I have never used them for work. In fact, my only real experience with them was shooting some boring video while snowboarding or rock climbing from my helmet. We were able to mount two cameras, one directly in front of the two and one next to Shadow’s shoulder. Then the cameras were set to take photos every second. I really had no clue what I captured with the cameras until I got the memory cards downloaded. At which point, after finding several frames I liked out of the thousands taken, I sent a profanity filled text message to one of the editors briefly explaining how happy I was with the results.
丹讲因为记者不能随同飞翔,所以,他决定这次滑翔会将极限运动摄像机安装在滑翔器上 。丹说从来没有在高空滑翔的时候用过这种摄像机,实际上,他就用过两次,一次是滑雪的拍摄;还有一次是攀岩时安装在了头盔上 。这次滑翔,可以安装两个摄像头,一个安装在正前方;一个安装在“影子”的前脚旁 。丹告诉我们,自己也不知道摄像机拍摄到了些什么,直到将内存卡里的东西拷贝下来后才欣赏到 。丹讲,我选出几个自己最爱的画面,然后发信息告诉编辑,我是多么的喜欢摄影的结果 。
Dogs seem to know just what we need at times. Before Chica, I had the privilege of raising Gizmo, an Australian Shepherd, for about 10 years before he passed away due to illness. And just like Shadow is there for McManus, Gizmo knew when I needed him most and was always at my side. To me it makes perfect sense for Shadow to be strapped in under the wing. The two genuinely looked happy for each other as they made laps over a mountain ridge. Upon landing McManus was showered with affection and kisses from Shadow.
丹说“狗似乎直到我们需要什么 。在“影子”以前,我有一个叫“小玩意”的狗,它是只澳大利亚牧羊犬 。我们在一起生活了10年,最后它生病去世了 。和“影子”一样,“小玩意”总是直到我需要什么,总是陪伴在我左右 。丹说,飞翔时有“影子”陪伴感觉完美的 。”丹和“影子”在天空上一圈一圈的滑翔,主仆俩是那样的开心 。着陆时,丹流露出对“影子”的痛爱,给了“影子”一个吻 。
The two are sharing in an experience that would be unique on its own, but is made more special by the bond they have together. “This is home. He would rather be here than anywhere else. This is his freedom,” McManus said.
丹和“影子”共同体验着这样特殊的一段人生经历,这也使得主仆俩的感情更加深厚 。丹说“这就是我们的家,我们更愿意在这里体验着自由 。”