In Chinese video games (authorised by the state), players slaughter Japanese soldiers from the Sino-Japanese war of 1937-1945. On the sets of Chinese TV dramas, extras playing Japanese soldiers get slaughtered every day. And in geopolitics, China is disputing Japan's sovereignty over some uninhabited rocks in the East China Sea - and soon, perhaps, over Okinawa Island too.
The Chinese have rediscovered “their” second world war. Just as the conflict fades from memory in the west, it has become salient as never before in China. To understand the country today, we need to understand its long-forgotten war, argues Rana Mitter, professor of Chinese history and politics at Oxford. Remarkably, his new book is the first full account of the Sino-Japanese war ever published in English.
中国人已经重新发现了“自己的”二战。就在二战在西方人的记忆中逐渐淡去的同时,二战在中国正变得前所未有地清晰。牛津大学中国历史与政治学教授拉纳•米特(Rana Mitter)声称,为理解今日中国,我们需要先理解其经历的这场长期被遗忘的战争。值得一提的是,他的新书是第一本已出版的面解读抗日战争的英文图书。
Perhaps 15 million Chinese died in the conflict, nearly 20 times the number of American and British war dead combined. Yet for decades China's ruling Communists rarely mentioned the war. After all, it hadn't particularly been their war. The Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek was China's main commander. The Communist party acted as his “junior partner”, writes Mitter. Indeed, in Mitter's account Mao Zedong is a relatively minor character, sitting out the war in the backwater of Yan'an. Occasionally Communist soldiers fought the Japanese, but during the war they also intermittently fought the Nationalists.
After Mao won the Chinese civil war in 1949, driving Chiang to Taiwan, he wasn't keen to talk up the feats of his defeated Nationalist enemy. That's why the long Japanese bombing of Nationalist-run Chongqing - China's equivalent of the London Blitz - was quietly remembered in Mao's day only by people who had lived through it.
1949年,毛泽东打赢了中国内战并把蒋介石赶到了台湾,此后他并不愿过多谈及手下败将国民党军在抗战中的壮举。正是出于这个原因,在毛泽东统治时代,日本人对国民党治下的重庆进行的长期轰炸(相当于中国版的伦敦闪击战(the London Blitz))仅仅被那些曾经历过的人们默默地记在心里。
Westerners all but forgot China's war. Under Mao, China became a closed communist country, whereas Japan was a western ally. Chinese archives were closed. Few western scholars could read Chinese anyway. And so China became, in Mitter's phrase, “the forgotten Allied power”. Westerners similarly undervalued the Soviet war effort until Russian archives opened in the 1990s.
Only in the 1980s did China start to commemorate the Sino-Japanese war as more than just a heroic Mao-led prelude to communist nirvana. In 1985 a museum opened in memory of the Japanese “Rape of Nanjing” of 1937-38 - a slaughter of up to 300,000 people that had never previously much interested the party because it hadn't been there. Today Nanjing is much-discussed in China; rather more so than bigger massacres of Chinese by Chinese, notably Mao's Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
到了上世纪80年代,中国在纪念抗日战争时,才开始不再仅仅把它视为毛泽东领导中国进入共产主义“天堂”的一首英雄主义序曲。1985年,一座为铭记在1937到1938年日军“南京大屠杀”事件中共30万遇害同胞的纪念馆落成开放了。由于南京并非中共领地,这场屠杀在此之前从没引起过中共多大兴趣。如今,南京大屠杀在中国被广泛讨论,其热烈程度远远超过中国人之间更大规模的自相屠杀,特别是毛泽东发起的“大跃进”(Great Leap Forward)和“文化大革命”(Cultural Revolution)。
The post-Mao party revived the Sino-Japanese war, mostly because it needed a new ideology to replace communism. That need became urgent after the Tiananmen Square uprising of 1989. In a dictatorship, Mitter told me, “There are two things you can do. One is to run the economy really well, and the other is to make people feel nationalistically proud. Nationalism is a very powerful button to press.” Similarly in Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic dropped communism for nationalism.
毛泽东时代过后,中共大张旗鼓地重提抗日战争的话题,在很大程度上是因为需要新的意识形态来取代共产主义。在1989年天安门事件之后,这一需求变得非常迫切。米特在书中告诉我,独裁统治下“可以做到两件事。其一是把经济治理得极其出色,另一件事就是让人们体会到民族自豪感。民族主义是一种极有影响力的手段。”南斯拉夫与中国的情况相类似,斯洛博丹•米洛舍维奇(Slobodan Milosevic)也用民族主义取代了共产主义。
War talk had other uses for the new China. By talking up the shared battle of all Chinese, Communist and Nationalist, the party hoped to woo the Taiwanese. This hasn't always worked. As Mitter says: “Chinese praise for Chiang has coincided with a severe downgrading of shares in Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, where he's now regarded as a dictator who oppressed the people of Taiwan for many years.” War talk also sends a reminder to former western allies: that China, the new “responsible great power”, was with them when it mattered.
But in western countries, the second world war is fading into history. The Iraq war was probably the last time ever that an American president (with a bust of Winston Churchill in his office) would invoke shared Allied memories to cajole European countries into joint war. The European Union, built to unite a continent destroyed by war, has lost its sense of mission partly because the war is being forgotten.
然而在西方国家,二战正湮没在历史之中。美国前总统小布什发起的伊拉克战争,对于美国总统得以唤起欧洲国家心中的盟军战史来调动它们投入共同战斗来说,可能是最后一次了。小布什办公室里挂着一张温斯顿•丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)的半身像。欧盟(EU)成立的初衷是为了令一个遭到战争破坏的大洲团结起来,如今它已失去了使命感,部分原因是那场战争正在被人遗忘。
In China, by contrast, the Sino-Japanese war now looms so large that it sometimes eludes the Communist party's control. Many Chinese citizens show an anti-Japanese fervour that embarrasses the leadership. For instance, Chinese officials generally find Japan's nostalgic rightwing prime minister Shinzo Abe (grandson of a suspected war criminal) a man they can do business with. But many ordinary Chinese get angry when, say, Abe makes tactless comments about the foreign “comfort women” used as sex slaves by Japan's wartime army.
与此形成鲜明对照的是,抗日战争的话题如今在中国影响如此之大,以至于有时候甚至超出了中共的控制。许多中国公民都表现出反日倾向,这令领导层十分尴尬。比如,中国官员通常认为,对于日本那位怀旧的右翼首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)(一位疑似战犯的外孙)来说,是可以跟他做些交易的。但是,当安倍晋三发表那些关于外国“慰安妇”(这个词用来指战时日本军队的性奴)的不得体的言论时,许多普通中国人被激怒了。
Microbloggers on Weibo, the “Chinese Twitter”, often refer to the Japanese as “dwarf bandits” - a wartime (and Ming-era) insult. Sometimes popular anger goes beyond words. Last September, violent anti-Japanese demonstrations were broken up by Chinese police with water cannons. Popular anger may also be pushing China's new President Xi Jinping to hang tough in his dangerous dispute with Japan over the tiny islands in the East China Sea. Now some Chinese scholars and military officers are even claiming Okinawa for China. The Communist party is riding belligerent nationalism, but it is struggling to stay on the horse.