A girl born as Britain's smallest baby ever has celebrated her tenth birthday by being made captain of her school football team.
英国出生的最小的女婴,在庆祝十岁生日的时候收获了一份她梦寐以求的大礼——当上了学校足球女队队长 。
Aaliyah Hart was just seven inches long and weighed 12 ounce when she was born three months prematurely in 2003.
艾丽娅.哈特出生于2003年,当时早产三个月的她,只有七英寸长,12盎司重 。
Doctors gave her a one per cent chance of survival when they found that her lungs had not developed properly.
她出生时肺部发育不足,医生断定她只有百分之一的几率存活下来 。
But Aaliyah - who was small enough to sit in the palm of her mother's hand - astounded medics by surviving.
然而只有妈妈巴掌大的艾丽娅却顽强存活了下来,她的存活让所有的医护人员吃了一惊 。
When she started school five years ago her mother, Lorriane, 47, was nervous she would be knocked over in the playground because she only weighed the same as a two year old.
当艾丽娅5岁入学时,47岁的妈妈罗润英很担心艾丽娅会被其他孩子欺负,因为它实在太小了,她只有两岁正常孩童的体重 。
But the youngster has since grown into a healthy schoolgirl and is now a similar size to her classmates - standing at 4 foot and weighing 4 stone.
而如今,艾丽娅再也不是小不点了,她和她的同学一样身高,健康的她身高4英尺,体重4石 。
Amazingly, sporty Aaliyah now loves nothing more than playing football against a team of boys and has been named captain of the girl's football team at the independent Rosslyn School in Hall Green, Birmingham.
让人惊奇的是,活波好动的艾丽娅最热衷的运动是足球,她经常和男孩子一起比赛,现在是伯明翰罗斯林学校足球女队的队长 。
Ms Hart, who was told her daughter might die in the womb, said she was amazed at how Aaliyah had taken to sports.
艾丽娅的妈妈对这个曾经被医生下了死亡通知书的孩子,能成长为今天的足球小将也感到十分惊奇 。
She said: ‘Aaliyah's a little tomboy - she loves playing with the boys and she's developed a really sporty side recently.
她讲到“艾丽娅是个假小子,喜欢喝男孩子一起玩,她的运动天分随着成长渐渐凸显出来 。”
‘She's very good at running, she likes rounders and gymnastics.
‘Over the last six weeks she's really got into her football and has been made captain of the girls' team.
“经过六个星期的训练,她爱上了足球,现在,她成为了足球女队的队长 。”
‘It's 50/50 at her school so they usually have the girls against the boys.
“她学校的男女比例是一半一半,所以,足球女队经常挑战足球男队的孩子 。"
‘The social side really appeals to her, everybody loves Aaliyah.’
“艾丽娅很有人缘,人人都喜欢她 。”
She added: ‘It's just nice to see her doing normal things, getting involved and jumping around, happy with a smile on her face.
艾丽娅妈妈补充道“看着她健康成长真好,她能融入孩子的群体,成天开心地跑跑跳跳 。”
‘When she was born ten years ago I didn't imagine she'd be running around a football pitch.
“十年前,当她刚出生,我简直不能想象她可以在足球场上疯跑 。”
Social worker Ms Hart added that Aaliyah - who turned ten last month - had moved from a state to an independent school in 2009 to help her schoolwork and build her confidence.
艾丽娅妈妈说艾丽娅在2009年时从国立学校转入私立学校,目的就是让她能更好的的学习,建立自信心 。
She added: ‘As she was always smaller than her friends her confidence had suffered.
艾妈妈解释道“因为她以前总是比别的孩子个子小,所以她以前很不自信 。”
‘But it's much better than it used to be now - she's the same size as her classmates, although she's quite thin.
“现在好了很多,她个子和别的孩子差不多,虽然还是很瘦 。”
‘She's been given lots of responsibilities at school such as milk monitor, it allows her to assert herself.
“学校老师为帮助她建立自信心,让她担任了许多职务,比如牛奶监管员 。”
‘She really has come a long way - it's been one hell of a journey.’
“她能走到今天很不容易,毕竟她的路比别的孩子更难走 。”
Aaliyah said she enjoyed getting a chance to play football with friends and her idol was Wayne Rooney.
She said: ‘I really like playing football, it's a lot of fun playing with my friends.
‘Being the captain makes me feel very proud. I like school but I really love sports.
她说道“我真的喜欢足球,和我的朋友在一起玩耍十分有趣,我很骄傲我能当上足球队长,我喜欢上学,但我最喜欢的是足球 。”
‘I know I'm a bit smaller but I try not to let it make a difference.
‘My favourite team is Manchester United, I really like Wayne Rooney.’
我知道我比别人个子小一点,但我经量让别人觉得我和其他人是没有差别的 。我最喜欢的足球队是曼联,我最喜欢的球星是韦恩•鲁尼 。“
Headteacher Jane Scott said Aaliyah was showing good progress at school and was delighted to see her playing football.
艾丽娅的校长简.斯科特说,艾丽娅的学业进步很大,也很高兴艾丽娅喜欢踢足球 。
She said: ‘She really is holding her own and it's wonderful to see.
她讲到“艾丽娅很有主见,很高兴她能这样 。”
‘She is progressing well academically and is a very popular little girl. She is full of confidence and has a wonderful character.
“她学业进步很大,在学校也很受大家喜爱,她很自信,性格也十分好 。”
‘To see where she has come from to playing football with the boys in the playground is an incredible story considering she was only given such a slim chance of survival.’
“如今看到她在足球场上和男孩子一起竞技真的是一件很奇妙的事情,因为她曾经的存活几率是那么的小 。”