A conference later in the summer will bring experts in the field together to discuss the future of food.
食品专家们将在这个夏季举行一次讨论有关未来食品的会议 。
It’s a thorny subject. The world's population is growing, prices are rising and developing countries with huge numbers of mouths to feed - like China and India - are devouring more of the food the world produces. On top of it all nobody is quite sure what climate change will do to food production in the years to come.
食品问题是个棘手的问题 。全世界人口数量在增加,特别是像中国和印度这种发展中国家的食品消耗量极大,超过了食品产出的速度 。当然最让人们头痛的问题还是未来的气候对食品生产的影响 。
Many experts think that, taken together, these factors make a fundamental change in our diets inevitable. Here’s what we could be eating, and how we might be eating it, in the not-too-distant future.
许多专家一致认为,综合诸多因素对食品的影响,改变未来人们的饮食结构势在必行 。以下就是人类在不久的未来可能要搬上我们餐桌的食品 。
There has been a lot of talk about edible insects recently and with good reason. According to researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands insects provide as much nutritional value as any other meat and are a good source of protein. They’re also in abundant supply.
食用昆虫作为一个专家们近来一直在讨论的话题,结论似乎十分理想 。根据荷兰瓦格子宁根大学的研究报告,食用昆虫和我们食用的肉类一样,能提供我们身体所需的营养 。食用昆虫富含充分的蛋白质和其他人体所需的微量元素 。
Of course, we may need to get over the yuck factor, but experts predict that insects like crickets and grasshoppers could be ground down and used as ingredients in burgers and sausages.
当然,我们必须要克服食用昆虫那些令人反感的因素,专家们预测类似于蟋蟀和蝗虫之类的昆虫可以碾碎后用作汉堡和香肠的食材 。
Traditionally produced meat is a real drain on the Earth’s resources and is set to become more expensive over the coming years. Some experts predict that meat will once again become a luxury item, like it was in the past.
在未来的食品结构中,传统的肉类会越来越稀少,当然物以稀为贵,肉类的价格在未来会很高 。专家们预测,传统肉类在未来会和资源紧张的过去一样,会成为稀缺食物 。
That’s unless we can get comfortable with the idea of lab-grown meat. This is not science fiction. Strips of muscle tissue have already been grown in labs from the stem cells of cows. Hopeful scientists predict that eventually we’ll be able to produce meat that tastes like the stuff we’re all used to in large enough quantities to satisfy demand, though others are less confident.
通过实验室培植出来的肉类或许更容易被接受 。不要觉得这是科幻片里的情节,通过牛的干细胞,实验室已经能够培植出牛肉了 。专家们表示,尽管实验室培植肉类的提案还没有完全的把握,然而,希望未来实验室培植的肉类能既能满足人们的味蕾又能满足更大的需求量 。
If they can’t get lab meat right - or they can’t produce it cheaply enough - the only option for many of us may be vegetarianism. Today, most of us derive about 20% of our calories from meat, eggs and dairy. By mid-century we’ll need to cut it to 5%, given the finite amount of water and land available for agriculture.
如果实验肉类不合符人类标准,或是造价高昂,那么,另一个选择就是加大素食在人类日常食物结构里的比重 。当今,人体所需能量中,百分之二十是来源与肉类、蛋类以及奶制品 。但在中世纪,人体能量中,只有百分之五十靠肉类、蛋及奶制品提供的 。其余的能量补给靠的是水喝素食的配搭 。
For the poor, that means meat may become too expensive to eat. Even for the better off, it will become a luxury item. Environmental, health and economic concerns will make vegetarianism an increasingly popular option for many of us, and many more will restrict meat eating to feasts and celebrations like Christmas.
在未来,穷人可能买不起肉,只能减少甚至不吃肉 。肉变成了奢侈品 。处于对环境、经济和健康上的考虑,消费素食会越来越普遍,而作为稀缺食品的肉类也只能在圣诞节之类的节庆时候才能供人们享用 。
Lab-grown meat is one area of a growing field called “food replacement”, whereby expensive, resource-hungry foods are replaced by cheaper, more environmentally friendly and often more nutritious alternatives. For example, one American company is working on producing a plant-based alternative to egg yolks, that can be used in mayonnaise, baked goods and sauces.
实验室培植食物是一个发展中的科研项目,被称作“食物替代” 。这个科研旨在开发昂贵的、稀缺的食物的替代品,并做到降低生产成本、对环境无公害以及保证营养供给 。举个简单的例子,美国一家公司致力于开发一种植物来取代蛋黄 。这种植物可用于生产蛋黄酱、烘焙或制造调料 。
Algae is pretty much at the bottom of the food chain, but it can be eaten by humans and animals and can be grown in the ocean, a huge plus when farmland and fresh water are in increasingly short supply.
海藻处于食物链的最低端,然而可为人类和动物食用,因为它只需要海洋作为培植基地,所以,在耕地和淡水稀缺时,海藻可作为食物的重要供给 。
Like insects, algae - and seaweed - could be used in food without us really knowing. Scientists have already used it to replace the salt in bread and processed food, and it will almost certainly replace other ingredients in the years ahead.
昆虫、海藻、海带等原料可以生产成食物,而我们不会真正意识到这些食物是这些“替代品”所生产出来的 。科学家们已经将某些能够替代盐的原料添加到面包和工业食品中,相信在不久的将来,我们的食物里会有更多的"替代品“出现 。
(GM) food has faced massive resistance from a sceptical public, but some scientists think GM may be the only way to adequately feed the world’s growing population in the decades to come. Next year it’s thought trials will start of golden rice: normal rice modified to produce beta-carotene (which is converted by the body into vitamin A), which could reduce the incidence of blindness and childhood disease in the developing world.
转基因食品被广大持怀疑态度的大众所不能接受 。然而,科学家们预测,也许转基因食品将成为养活越来越多地球人口的唯一出路 。科学家们计划明年尝试转基因大米黄金水稻的生产:将普通大米转化成富含胡萝卜素的大米(胡萝卜素可以在人体类转化会维生素A)帮助发展中国家人民减少失明症的发生,以及防止一些儿童疾病 。
Also on the menu of the near future will be green super rice, a conventionally-bred variety, which is more resistant to disease and drought and could help feed another 100 million people.
另外,在未来的餐桌上,人们会食用一种常规培育的大米——绿色大米,这种大米更能抵御病虫害和干旱,也能让更多的人填饱肚皮 。
Scientists have calculated that, at current rates of population growth, every acre of arable land needs to be twice as productive in 2050 as it is today if we’re to feed everyone on the planet.
科学家计算出,依照全世界目前的人口增长率,到2050年,耕地面积需要扩大一倍才能养活地球上的人口 。
Brian Wansink, an expert on food marketing, believes that the food of the future will be healthy. He doesn’t think we’ll all have replaced doughnuts with apples, but he thinks the doughnuts will be far better for us than they are now. New techniques will be developed to take the fat from food while leaving the taste intact.
食品市场专家布莱尔.文科森,相信未来的食品会更加健康 。他不认为在将来我们会不吃甜甜圈而改吃苹果,他认为我们的甜甜圈只会变得更好,因为高科技会将食品中多余的脂肪除掉,但不失食物的美味 。
The rising price of food will persuade many of us to put back gardens, allotments and even window boxes to good use.
食品价格的飙升会让很多人从新利用自己家的后院种植蔬菜,甚至窗台上的花盆也会成为出产菜蔬的自留地 。
Experts are coming up with ever more inventive ways of growing fruit and veg in small spaces, and small-scale horticulture - already on the rise - is likely to see an explosion in the next decade or so. And it’s not just about private land. Veg-growing may well take over common land on the edge of roads or in unused green field sites. Communities will start using every inch of spare land to help produce food more cheaply.
专家们致力于研究出更多在小规模种植菜蔬的方法,很多更多小规模种植园已经在进行阶段,这种小规模种植模式在将来的十年甚至更久得以迅速发展 。当然这种小规模种植不仅仅局限于私人的种植园地,很多公共区域,如路旁绿化带和公共绿地也会被充分利用起来 。整个社会会合理利用所有可利用土地种植作为,从而降低食品价格 。
Part of the problem with our eating habits is not so much the food as the packaging. We buy food wrapped in millions of tonnes of it and throw it away.
现目前,食品工业面临的一个巨大问题就是食品过度包装 。我们消耗食品的同时也耗尽了上百吨的食品包装,而食品包装在消费者手上的的最后宿命就是扔进垃圾桶 。
One solution is just to eat it - the packaging, that is. Harvard engineer David Edwards has already produced edible packaging for fruit juices, coffee, ice cream and other products. The packaging, made from natural food particles held together by ions, is strong, edible and can be made to taste pretty good too.
在未来,对于这个问题的解决方式就是吃掉这些包装!就这么简单 。哈弗大学工程师戴维德.爱德华已经开始着手可食用包装的生产研究,咖啡、水果、冰淇淋等食物的包装可以直接食用 。这些包装都是有自然可食用物质合成,和结实,也能做成美味的食物 。
Some of these innovations may not happen, but experts are now all but certain many of them will (and some are happening already). In the next few decades our eating habits may have to radically change, for the good of our health and the future of the planet.
当然,科学家们这些大胆的创新也许在未来并不会全部实现,但其中有很多都是可行的,部分已经开始面向大众推广了 。在未来的几十年里,人类的饮食习惯肯定会发生巨大的变化,当然这些变化都是有益于我们自身健康以及我们共同赖以生存的星球的 。