Facebook and Microsoft Corp representatives said Friday night that after negotiations with national security officials, their companies have been given permission to make new but still very limited revelations about government orders to turn over user data.
Facebook和微软公司代表说周五晚上在与国家安全局官员谈判后,他们公司已经得到允许可以披露新的但仍然非常有限的关于政府命令提交的用户数据 。
The announcements come at the end of a week when Facebook, Microsoft and Google, normally rivals, had jointly pressured the Obama administration to loosen their legal gag on national security orders.
当Facebook、微软和谷歌,通常的对手,联合迫使奥巴马政府放松了对国家安全命令的法律禁言,公告在一周结束时出来 。
Those actions came after Edward Snowden, a contract employee at the National Security Agency, revealed to The Guardian newspaper the existence of secret surveillance programs that gathered Americans' phone records and other data. The companies did not link their actions to Snowden's leaks.
这些行动是在爱德华•斯诺登,国家安全局的一名雇员向《卫报》透露存在收集美国人电话记录和其他数据的秘密监视程序后出来的 。这些公司没有将他们的行为与斯诺登的泄漏相联系 。
Ted Ullyot, Facebook's general counsel, said that Facebook is only allowed to talk about total numbers and must give no specifics. But he said the permission it has received is still unprecedented, and the company was lobbying to reveal more.
Facebook的首席法律顾问Ted Ullyot说Facebook只允许谈论总数,不能给细节 。但他说得到的允许仍然是前所未有的,公司正游说透露更多 。
Using the new guidelines, Ullyot said Facebook received between 9,000 and 10,000 government requests from all government entities from local to federal in the last six months of 2012, on topics including missing children investigations, fugitive tracking and terrorist threats. The requests involved the accounts of between 18,000 and 19,000 Facebook users.
使用新的指导方针,Ullyot说Facebook在2012年下半年接到9千到1万条政府请求,从美国联邦到州及各级地方政府,主题包括失踪儿童调查、逃亡跟踪和恐怖主义威胁 。这些资料信息涉及1.8万至1.9万名脸谱用户 。