What do people do online, how do they get online, and how are startups changing our behavior?
Mary Meeker, a former Wall Street analyst and current Silicon Valley investor, put together an annual presentation on the state of the Internet and mobile.
Mary Meeker,前华尔街分析师和现在的硅谷投资人,将互联网和移动状态的年度展示放在了一起 。
In it, she answers a bunch of those questions. Here are the most stunning findings.
在这,她回答了一堆这样的问题 。这里有最惊人的发现 。
There is 9 times more content available to peruse online than there was 5 years ago. It's all thanks to user-generated content, such as photo shares, video uploads, tweets and articles. As of 2011, the content totaled 2 zettabytes.
现在可以在线阅读的内容是5年前的9倍 。这都是缘于用户生成的内容,如照片分享、视频上传、推特和文章 。截至2011年,总计2ZB的内容 。
500 million photos are shared and uploaded per day. More photos are uploaded and shared on Snapchat than Instagram. Snapchat's upload volume is about 1/3 of Facebook's.
每天有5亿照片共享和上传 。更多的照片被上传和分享在Snapchat上,而非Instagram 。Snapchat的上传量是Facebook的1/3 。
Snapchat is a monster, with more than 150 million images being shared and uploaded per day.
Snapchat是一个怪物,每天有超过1.5亿张图片共享和上传 。
YouTube is growing quickly. Now, more than 100 hours of video are uploaded to it per minute, up from nothing six years ago.
YouTube迅速增长 。从6年前的一无所有开始,现在每分钟超过100小时的视频被上传到上面 。
YouTube is becoming almost as widely used as Facebook. Tumblr rose from obscurity in 2011 to a frequently used social media site in one year.
YouTube正成为像Facebook一样广泛使用的网站 。一年之内,Tumblr从2011年的默默无闻上升为一个经常使用的社会媒体网站 。
Tablets are selling faster than smartphones. In less than three years on the market, they've surpassed desktop and notebook PC shipments.
平板电脑销售的速度比智能手机还快 。在市场上不到三年的时间,他们已经超过了台式机和笔记本电脑的发货量 。
The average mobile phone user reaches for his or her device 150 times per day. A good portion of the time, they're just checking the time.
手机用户平均每天接触他或她的设备150次 。相当一部分时间,他们只是检查时间 。
Why we should all care about immigration laws: 1st and 2nd generation Americans employ 1.3 million people in the US and have founded more than half of the top 25 tech companies.
为什么我们都应该关心移民法律:第一代和第二代美国人在美国雇佣了130万人,在前25大科技公司中他们成立了超过一半 。