Apple plans to build a new "spaceship" headquarters in Cupertino, California.
苹果公司计划在加州库比蒂诺市建立一个新的“宇宙飞船”总部 。
As part of the process to gain formal approval, the company commissioned a big economic impact study. The study tosses out all sorts of facts and figures about why Apple is good for Cupertino and the surrounding areas.
作为获得正式批准过程的一部分,公司委托了一份重大经济影响研究 。这项研究将摆出关于苹果为什么有利于库比蒂诺和周边地区的各种事实和数据 。
One fun little figure from the report is how much the average corporate Apple employee makes.
报告中的一个有趣数据是苹果公司员工的平均薪水是多少 。
Apple says it had 2,112 employees living in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale. It paid those employees $262 million. Therefore, on average, a corporate Apple employee is making $124,053. (Its retail employees are paid less.)
苹果公司表示该公司拥有2112名员工住在圣克拉拉和森尼维耳市 。公司支付了这些员工2.62亿美元 。因此,平均来说,苹果公司的一名员工薪水是124053美元 。(其零售员工薪资更少 。)
That's good money, but it's chump change compared to, say, Goldman Sachs. Just last month, Bloomberg Businessweek noted that Goldman paid its employees $135,594 on average for the first three months of the year.
那是一笔可观收入,但相比高盛,这是小钱 。就在上个月,《彭博商业周刊》指出高盛在一年的前三个月给雇员平均发放了135594美元 。
Also, remember we're talking about the average Apple employee. There are some outliers. CEO Tim Cook, for instance, got $4.2 million in compensation last year.
还有,记得我们谈论苹果员工的平均值 。有一些异常值 。例如首席执行官蒂姆•库克去年的薪酬有420万美元 。