Earlier this month, Bill Gates got emotional talking about Steve Jobs.
本月早些时候,比尔•盖茨满含深情地谈论了史蒂夫•乔布斯 。
"He and I, in a sense, grew up together," Gates said. "We were within a year of the same age, and we were kind of naively optimistic and built big companies. And every fantasy we had about creating products and learning new things — we achieved all of it. And most of it as rivals. But we always retained a certain respect and communication, including even when he was sick."
“我和他,在某种意义上,是一起成长的,”盖茨说 。“我们同岁同时代,都有些幼稚的乐观,创立了大的科技公司 。对于开发产品以及学习新东西的所有设想,我们都已经实现 。尽管大部分时候我们是竞争对手,但仍然保持了一定的相互尊重和沟通,即使是在他生病之后 。”
There's no relationship in history like that of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
从历史上来讲,还从未出现过像乔布斯和盖茨这样的友谊 。
As partners and rivals, they built the personal computing industry with two totally different styles.
作为合作伙伴和竞争对手,他们二人用两种完全不同的风格建立了属于自己的科技帝国 。
Jobs was a working-class kid from California who believed in tight control over all products, and put a premium on design.
乔布斯是一个来自加利福尼亚州工薪阶层家庭的孩子,他相信对所有产品都应该严格控制并且着重于设计 。
Bill Gates was an upper class kid from Washington who believed in open products, and didn't worry too much about great design.
比尔盖茨是一个来自华盛顿的上层阶级的孩子,相信开放的产品,并没有担心太多伟大的设计 。
"Each one thought he was smarter than the other one, but Steve generally treated Bill as someone who was slightly inferior, especially in matters of taste and style," said early Macintosh employee Andy Hertzfield in Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs bio. He added, "Bill looked down on Steve because he couldn’t actually program."
“所有人都认为史蒂夫比比尔更聪明些,不过史蒂夫仅认为比尔在品味和风格方面略逊一筹,” Mac团队早期队员Andy Hertzfeld在沃尔特•艾萨克森的《乔布斯传》中表示,他补充道,“比尔也瞧不起史蒂夫,因为乔布斯自己不会编程 。”
Gates quote inspired us to take a look back at some of the best quotes from Gates and Jobs about each other in Isaacson's book to get a deeper sense of what the men really thought of each other.
盖茨的发言让我们忍不住想要回顾下双方在艾萨克森书里对对方曾发表过的看法,探究一下二人眼中真实的对方到底是什么样的 。
Gates: Steve Jobs was "fundamentally odd," and "weirdly flawed as a human being"
盖茨:史蒂夫•乔布斯非常非常古怪,是一个有严重缺陷的人 。
Jobs on Gates: “He’d be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger"
乔布斯谈盖茨:“如果他年轻的时候能试试迷幻药或去贫民窟看看,他的视野将更加开阔 。”
Gates on Jobs: "He really never knew much about technology, but he had an amazing instinct for what works"
盖茨对乔布斯:“他并不真正懂技术,但他对市场却有着惊人的洞察力 。”
Jobs: "Bill is basically unimaginative and has never invented anything, which is why I think he’s more comfortable now in philanthropy than technology"
"He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas," said Jobs of Gates
This was a theme for Jobs. He also said, "They just ripped us off completely, because Gates has no shame."
这是乔布斯对盖茨的一贯看法,他还说,“他们只知道完全剽窃我们的创意,因为盖茨毫无廉耻 。”
To which Gates replied: "If he believes that, he really has entered into one of his own reality distortion fields."
而盖茨回应说:“如果他真这么认为,那么他就真的陷入自己扭曲的现实中了 。”
At the D5 conference, Gates said: "I’d give a lot to have Steve’s taste"
When Apple was thinking about buying NeXT, Gates shredded the company and Jobs
Gates said this to Amelio: "You really think Steve Jobs has anything there? I know his technology, it’s nothing but a warmed-over UNIX, and you’ll never be able to make it work on your machines. Don’t you understand that Steve doesn’t know anything about technology? He’s just a super salesman. I can’t believe you’re making such a stupid decision ... He doesn’t know anything about engineering, and 99% of what he says and thinks is wrong. What the hell are you buying that garbage for?"
盖茨对阿梅里奥这样说:“你真的认为乔布斯有什么实际的东西吗?我知道他的技术水平,只不过是UNIX的再次复制罢了,你永远无法在自己的电脑上运行乔布斯的技术 。难道你不知道史蒂夫对于技术是一窍不通吗?他只不过是一个超级业务员罢了 。我简直不敢相信你会做出如此愚蠢的收购决定……他对于工程一窍不通,他所说的和所想的东西有99%都是错误的,你到底为什么要收购一个垃圾?”
Gates in an internal email: "Steve Jobs’ ability to focus in on a few things that count, get people who get user interface right, and market things as revolutionary are amazing things"
盖茨在一封内部邮件中表示:“史蒂夫乔布斯的能力就集中在几项新事情上,让人们习惯使用他的用户界面,然后使用营销手段将这些产品弄得看起来非常具有革命性,非常神奇 。”
Gates again internally on iPod: "I think we need some plan to prove that, even though Jobs has us a bit flat footed again, we can move quick and both match and do stuff better."
盖茨再次对iPod内部评论:“我认为我们需要一些计划去证明,即使乔布斯再一次让我们措手不及,我们也可以迅速做出反应并推出比iPod更好的产品 。”
Gates on the iPad: "It’s a nice reader, but there’s nothing on the iPad I look at and say, ‘Oh, I wish Microsoft had done it.’"
盖茨对iPod看法:“它是一个很好的阅读器,但iPad并不能让我说‘噢,我希望微软也能做出这样的产品 。’”
Jobs' ultimate take on Microsoft: It has no taste
乔布斯对于微软的终极看法:它没有品味 。
"The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste, they have absolutely no taste. I don’t mean that in a small way. I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don’t think of original ideas and they don’t bring much culture into their product."
“微软的唯一问题就是它没有品味,他们绝对没有品位 。我并不是从一个小范围上讲,我所指的是大范围,某种程度上微软没有原创的想法,他们也没有将太多的文化特色带入产品中 。”