"Conscientiousness, which was the best predictor of longevity in childhood, also turned out to be the best personality predictor of long life in adulthood," the authors wrote in their book. "The young adults who were thrifty, persistent, detail oriented, and responsible lived the longest."
“童年时自觉性是长寿最好的预测,长大后也就变成了预言长寿的最好特性,”作者在他们的书里写道 。“节俭、持之以恒、注重细节以及负责的年轻人活得更久 。”
Easy To Laugh
In a study published this past May in the journal Aging, researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Yeshiva University pinpointed several personality traits linked to a longer lifespan. Among the list? Frequent laughter, HuffPost reported when the findings were released.
在今年5月在《Aging》期刊上公布的一项研究,来自爱因斯坦医学院和叶史瓦大学的研究者发现了几个与长寿有关的人格特质 。在这个列表中吗?经常大笑,当结果发布时《赫芬顿邮报》报道 。
Socially Connected
Thank your family and friends for this one: a 2010 study published in the journal PloS Medicine found that strong social relationships can boost survival odds by 50 percent.
"We take relationships for granted as humans -- we're like fish that don't notice the water," BYU's Timothy Smith said in a statement about the findings. "That constant interaction is not only beneficial psychologically but directly to our physical health."
对这一结果要感谢你的家人和朋友:2010年发表在《公共科学图书馆》期刊上的一项研究报告称良好的社会关系可以提高50%的生存几率 。
“作为人类我们把社会关系视为理所当然——我们就像没有注意到水的鱼一样,”对此发现杨百翰大学的蒂莫西•史密斯在一份声明中说 。“不断互动不仅有利于人们的心理健康,而且直接影响身体健康 。”
Don't worry, be happy, live longer? A study published last year in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that older people who report being happy have a 35 percent decreased risk of dying over five years, HuffPost reported when the findings were released. The researchers evaluated more than 3,000 people by monitoring their happiness throughout the day -- they then followed up five years later to see how many had died.
别担心,快乐点,活得更久?去年发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上的一项报告发现,称自己快乐的老年人5年后的死亡风险降低了35%,当结果公布时《赫芬顿邮报》报道 。通过一整天监控他们的快乐,研究人员评估了3000多人——然后5年后他们追踪看有多少人去世 。
The same 2012 Aging study that identified frequent laughter as a boost to longevity also found that optimism might tack on years to your life.
与2012《Aging》研究一致,发现频繁的笑声能促进长寿,还发现乐观可以让你多活几年 。
"For example, people who are lower in neuroticism are able to manage or regulate stressful situations more effectively than those with higher neuroticism levels. Similarly, high extroversion levels have been associated with establishing friendships and looking after yourself."
“例如,低神经质的人比有更高的神经质水平的人更能有效地管控调节压力的情况 。同样,外向与建立友谊和照顾自己相关联 。”