狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第23章Part 14
日期:2013-05-15 11:27



A deep, gruff, husky utterance, which seemed to have no connexion with Bunsby, and certainly had not the least effect upon his face, replied, 'Ay, ay, shipmet, how goes it?' At the same time Bunsby's right hand and arm, emerging from a pocket, shook the Captain's, and went back again.
'Bunsby,' said the Captain, striking home at once, 'here you are; a man of mind, and a man as can give an opinion. Here's a young lady as wants to take that opinion, in regard of my friend Wal'r; likewise my t'other friend, Sol Gills, which is a character for you to come within hail of, being a man of science, which is the mother of inwention, and knows no law. Bunsby, will you wear, to oblige me, and come along with us?'
The great commander, who seemed by expression of his visage to be always on the look-out for something in the extremest distance' and to have no ocular knowledge of any anng' within ten miles, made no reply whatever.
'Here is a man,' said the Captain, addressing himself to his fair auditors, and indicating the commander with his outstretched hook, 'that has fell down, more than any man alive; that has had more accidents happen to his own self than the Seamen's Hospital to all hands; that took as many spars and bars and bolts about the outside of his head when he was young, as you'd want a order for on Chatham-yard to build a pleasure yacht with; and yet that his opinions in that way, it's my belief, for there ain't nothing like 'em afloat or ashore.'
The stolid commander appeared by a very slight vibration in his elbows, to express some satisfitction in this encomium; but if his face had been as distant as his gaze was, it could hardIy have enlightened the beholders less in reference to anything that was passing in his thoughts.
'Shipmate,' said Bunsby, all of a sudden, and stooping down to look out under some interposing spar, 'what'll the ladies drink?'



英国小说家查尔斯·约翰·赫芬姆·狄更斯(Charles John Huffam Dickens,1812年2月7日~1870年6月9日) 英国维多利亚时期的著名小说家,他的作品至今依然盛行,并对英国文学发展起到重要影响。 狄更斯1812年出生于英国朴次茅斯(Portsmouth),是海军职员约翰·狄更斯和伊丽莎白·巴洛所生的第二个孩子。狄更斯5岁时全家就迁居占松(Chatham),10岁时又搬到康登镇(Camden Town)。 小时候狄更斯曾经在一所私立学校接受过一段时间的教育,但是12岁时,狄更斯的父亲就因债务问题而入狱,狄更斯也因此被送到伦敦一家鞋油场当学徒,每天工作10个小时。或许是由于这段经历,使得狄更斯的作品更关注底层社会劳动人民的生活状态。 不过后来由于父亲继承了一笔遗产而令家庭经济状况有所好转,狄更斯也才有机会重新回到学校。15岁时他从威灵顿学院毕业,随后进入一家律师行工作,后来又转入报馆,成为一名报导国会辩论的记者。狄更斯并没有接受很多的正规教育,基本上是靠自学成才。

  • commandern. 司令官,指挥官
  • referencen. 参考,出处,参照 n. 推荐人,推荐函 vt. 提
  • enlightenedadj. 被启发的,进步的,文明的 动词enlighte
  • slightadj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的 vt. 轻视,
  • strikingadj. 吸引人的,显著的 n. 打击
  • obligevt. 迫使,责成,使感激,施恩于,帮 ... 的忙 v
  • stolidadj. 迟钝的,神经麻木的
  • yachtn. 游艇,快艇 vi. 驾快艇
  • vibrationn. 震动,颤动
  • hookn. 钩状物,勾拳,钩 v. 钩住,弯成(钩装),当妓女