When any market crashes, it’s a shock. Fora real nose dive it normally takes something unexpected and dramatic to kick itoff. Gold is misunderstood and it is viewed as “the mad metal”, so here arethree things to remember whether you love or hate gold.
1. Gold is a commodity
To many people gold is something special.It’s more than just another metal that comes out of the ground. This may wellbe because since the dawn of time gold has been a status symbol and status iswhat breeds success or simply just breeds.
Whatever you feel about gold, it is just ametal. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing and it doesn’t mean it needs to becheaper.
Gold supply has not kept up with demand soits price should rise. Where once gold was used on things that could be easilyrecycled. Now gold is used in things that don’t get recycled in a way that thegold is being recovered. So gold is being lost.
2. Gold is not a stable store of value
It is a myth to believe gold is a constantstore of value. Like anything else the price of gold is created by supply anddemand. When the Spanish pillaged South America and brought the gold and silverback to Europe, there was rampant inflation. More gold meant gold money wasworth less and the price of things in gold went up.
3. Gold is volatile
Gold used to be worth a lot less than it istoday. As we have seen recently at ADVFN, you don’t have to look hard to see goldis as vulnerable to swings in values as any other commodity.
The key to investing in gold is being ableto watch the gold price live. A free ADVFN account will allow you to follow itlive and direct at home or on your tablet or smartphone via our free app.