Investors once again are plowing money into stock mutual funds. Are they setting themselves up to get burned like it's 2008 all over again?
Some $65.4 billion flowed into equity mutual funds and exchange-traded funds in January, the largest monthly net influx ever, according to Morningstar Inc.
晨星公司(Morningstar Inc.)称,1月份,大约有654亿美元的资金流入股票共同基金和交易所交易基金。这是有史以来单月净流入量最大的一个月。
That doesn't mean investors are abandoning bonds─$39.2 billion went into bond funds and ETFs that same month.
But more people appear to be warming up to stocks, in many cases likely by diverting money they had been sending to money-market funds and bank savings accounts.
Certainly, there are reasons to make the move. Opportunities for yield elsewhere are slim. Equity valuations are still considered attractive by many analysts, though prices aren't as low as they were a few years ago.
It's also important to note that one month's data doesn't a trend make.
January is often a big month for stock-fund inflows, in part due to lump-sum retirement-plan contributions, says David Blanchett, head of retirement research at Morningstar Investment Management, an advisory unit of Morningstar Inc. And, he adds, many investors are still gun-shy from the severe market drop in 2007-09. 'A lot of people didn't do a very good job trying to time it,' he says.
戴维??布兰切特(David Blanchett)是晨星公司下属咨询企业晨星投资管理公司(Morningstar Investment Management)研究退休业务的主管。他说,1月经常都是资金大量流入股票基金的月份,部分原因是来自退休计划的一次性缴款。他还补充说,很多投资者对2007-2009年间市场的剧烈下跌仍心有余悸。“许多人没能很好地判断投资时机”,他说。
Whether the move into stocks is a one-month anomaly or a long-term trend, now is a good time to reflect on some of the mistakes investors made before and during the big downturn of a few years ago─and how to avoid those errors going forward.
Falling for the Hype
The market could be on a long-term bull run─or it could be on the verge of a sharp fall. Nobody knows. And that's the point. So it's best not to let the excitement of rising share prices distract you from a reasoned, long-term investment plan.
'From our perspective, to make a long-term purchase decision for stocks in a properly balanced account right now makes sense,' says Jason Pride, director of investment strategy at Glenmede, a wealth-management firm based in Philadelphia. But if you're jumping in now because 'you're seeing a surge in stocks and you're chasing that return, hoping you don't miss out on the next couple of months, be wary of that behavioral bias that [often emerges] after a run of the magnitude we've seen,' he says.
费城一家名为Glenmede的财富管理公司的投资策略主管贾森??普赖德(Jason Pride)说:“在我们看来,一个平衡的投资组合现在出于长期投资的考量而决定买入股票是合理的。”但他说,如果你现在匆忙入市是因为你看到股市大涨,从而想要追逐收益,不希望自己在未来几个月里错失良机,那么你要小心在遇到大涨之后出现行为偏差,这种情况在出现当前程度的涨幅后经常会发生。
Others put it more bluntly.
'If you can't focus on the long term, you don't belong in the stock market,' says Carl Hess, global head of investment at consulting firm Towers Watson, in New York.
纽约韬睿惠悦咨询公司(Towers Watson)的全球投资主管卡尔??赫斯(Carl Hess)说:“如果你不能着眼于长期,你根本不适合进入股票市场。”
Failure to Diversify
The 2007-09 bear market amply demonstrated that adequate diversification isn't easy.
'Over the last few decades, it's been increasingly hard to get diversification within equity markets,' Mr. Hess says. 'They increasingly tend to all behave more like each other.'
Mr. Hess suggests looking beyond stocks and bonds for portfolio balance, to alternative investments. 'You might want to think about commercial real estate, things like timber, currency, commodities,' he says.
He advocates a passive approach, rather than an active one that tries to beat market indexes. That means buying mutual funds 'that are managed as close to passively as possible, both to minimize fees and to reduce reliance on one particular investment manager,' he says.
Mr. Pride says one strategy he employs is to invest in selected hedge funds that aren't correlated with the broad markets. Some funds also try to deliver uncorrelated performance.
Whatever your path, proceed carefully. Some 325 mutual funds employ an alternative investment approach, up from 165 such funds in 2008, according to Morningstar. Many of those funds are new since the market bottomed─and that means they're untested.
'You may be increasing your risk,' says Laura Thurow, director of private wealth management research at Robert W. Baird & Co., in Milwaukee. Know what you own, she says. Study the prospectus or talk to a financial adviser. 'There is a lot more analysis that needs to be done in areas that are new.'
美国密尔沃基市Robert W. Baird & Co.的私人财富管理研究主管劳拉??瑟罗(Laura Thurow)说,你也许正在增加自己的风险。她说,要了解你持有的东西。要好好研究招股书,或者跟财务咨询师谈谈。在新领域里,有多得多的东西需要研究分析。
Buying Based on Past Performance
Investors tend to focus on the rearview mirror when looking at stocks or other assets. Look at current valuations instead.
Ask: 'What are they priced at now, and can that possibly get me the same return going forward?' says Mr. Hess.
For example, if the stock market has gone from 10 times earnings to 20 times, getting the same return going forward means prices climbing to 40 times earnings. 'That might be a bit of a stretch,' he says.
Investing Without a Plan
Are you out to beat the market? Sounds good, until you realize that if the market drops 50% and you're down 40%, you've met your goal, says Paul Merriman, president of the Merriman Financial Education Foundation and a longtime financial adviser.
梅里曼金融教育基金会(Merriman Financial Education Foundation)主席、长期担任金融顾问的保罗??梅里曼(Paul Merriman)说,你想要跑赢市场?这听起来很好,直到你意识到,如果市场下跌了50%,而你的股票下跌了40%,你其实已经达到目标了。
Investors should decide whether they want to beat the market, get the highest return within their risk tolerance─a good strategy for young to middle-aged people─or get the needed return at the lowest risk, a goal more suited to those in or near retirement, Mr. Merriman says. 'Most people do not have their portfolio matched to what their primary goal is,' he says.
When you know your plan, which should include a target allocation among stocks, bonds and other assets, stick to it. 'Practice policy fidelity,' says Mark Luschini, chief investment strategist at Philadelphia-based financial-services firm Janney Montgomery Scott LLC. 'Don't let the emotions─what's being touted about the market or 'We're 180 points from all-time highs!'─trap you into doing something that is incongruent with your personal risk budget.'
在你确定了自己的计划后(计划应该明确在股票、债券和其它资产中如何进行资产配置),应该按计划操作。总部位于费城的金融服务公司Janney Montgomery Scott LLC的首席投资策略师马克口拉什奇尼(Mark Luschini)说,坚持原则的一贯性,不要让情绪──鼓吹市场的话或者类似于“我们距离历史最高点只有180点了”这样的话──诱惑你做出与你的个人风险预算不协调的事情。
Failure to Know Your Limits
Going into the downturn, many investors were complacent about risk. From 2003 through 2007, the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index almost doubled, without a lot of volatility, notes Ms. Thurow.
'People got comfortable,' she says. Some had too much of their money in equities because of an unrealistic idea of their risk tolerance. These days, investors may be reaching for risk out of desperation, driven by low interest rates rather than complacency.
Either way, you may end up taking a bigger hit than you can afford. Take the time to understand what you're willing to put on the line.