Citigroup’s head of risk has put himself at odds with Wall Street dealers after calling for derivatives to move to exchange trading.
花旗集团(Citigroup)首席风险官布莱恩?利奇(Brian Leach)提倡将衍生品交易改在场内进行,这令他成为华尔街经纪商的众矢之的。
“I think I’m the lone voice,” Brian Leach told the Financial Times. In the US, mandatory clearing of some derivatives began this week – where a clearing house stands between both sides of a trade – but the precise rules for trading venues are still being finalised.
Most large investment banks are fighting to limit the move to transparent exchanges: they would prefer to keep the status quo with bilaterally agreed contracts that protect their profits.
But Mr Leach said he supported going further on exchange trading for safety reasons. Derivatives were central to the near-failure of AIG, the insurance group that required a $180bn government bailout in 2008. “If you can improve the operational side of finance you actually extend the real economy in a positive fashion,” he said, as less capital might be needed to back derivatives.
Mr Leach said the trading losses racked up by competitors, such as UBS in the Kweku Adoboli affair, could be averted by other improvements to financial architecture. “Where you have had some of the bigger operational losses in the industry, typically there is often a trade that’s not matching,” he said.
利奇表示,类似瑞银(UBS)奎库?阿多博利(Kweku Adoboli)事件这样不断积累起来的交易亏损,可通过金融架构的其他改善加以避免。他表示:“金融业每次出现较大的运营亏损,一般都意味着有一笔交易不匹配。”
Mr Leach wants faster progress towards uniform financial codes, so-called “legal entity identifiers”, which would help prevent failed trades that occur because computer systems identify counterparties and products using different methods. He said LEIs, which are being rolled out, should be enhanced to include settlement instructions.