Ryan Murphy's adaptation of "The Normal Heart" is heading to HBO. The film, which stars Julia Roberts, Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer, will air in 2014.
瑞恩•墨菲(Ryan Murphy)根据托尼奖得主、百老汇舞台剧《常在我心间》(The Normal Heart)改编的同名电影将登陆HBO电视台。这部集合了茱莉亚•罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)、马克•鲁弗洛(Mark Ruffalo)和马修•波莫(Matt Bomer)的影片将于2014年上映。
"We are so proud to be involved with this monumental project,” HBO's Michael Lombardo said in a statement. “Ryan has assembled an extraordinary cast to bring Larry Kramer’s landmark theatrical achievement to the screen for the first time, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to bring this important film to HBO.”
“能参与制作这部意义非凡的电影,我们感到由衷的骄傲,”HBO电视台的迈克尔•隆巴铎(Michael Lombardo)在一份申明中说,“瑞恩将带领着这个无与伦比的演员阵容,把拉里•克莱默(Larry Kramer)这部具有里程碑意义的戏剧首次以电影的形式展现出来。能在HBO播放这样一部影片,我们的激动之情溢于言表。”
Murphy will direct and executive produce the movie based on Larry Kramer's '80s play. Jason Blum, Dede Gardner and Dante Di Loreto will also serve as executive producers. The movie is set in New York City in the '80s during the onset of the HIV-AIDS crisis.
墨菲将导演这部根据拉里•克莱默80年代舞台剧改编的电影,并兼任制片人一职。詹森•布鲁姆(Jason Blum),迪迪•加纳(Dede Gardner),丹特•迪•罗瑞托(Dante Di Loreto)也将担任该片制片人。影片讲述了发生在上世纪80年代纽约城的一场艾滋病危机。
Roberts will play Dr. Emma Brookner, the paraplegic physician who treats several of the earliest victims of the disease. Ruffalo will take on the role of Ned Weeks, "who witnesses first-hand the mysterious disease that has begun to claim the lives of many in his gay community and starts to seek answers." "White Collar" star Matt Bomer will play Felix Turner, a reporter who becomes Ned’s lover.
罗伯茨饰艾玛•布鲁克纳(Dr. Emma Brookner),一名深陷轮椅的医生,她参与到了对这一疾病最早一批患者的治疗中。鲁弗洛饰耐德•威克斯(Ned Weeks),“在亲眼目睹了这一神秘的疾病夺走许多同性恋者的生命后,他踏上了寻求答案的漫漫艰辛路。”《妙警贼探》男星马特•波莫饰耐德的爱人记者菲利克斯•特纳(Felix Turner)。