Need some unique crafts to keep the kids entertained this February 14? These easy-to-throw-together ideas are surprising, a little silly, and sure to delight your little sweeties. What's not to love?
需要一些独特的工艺品让孩子在今年2月14日开心吗?这些容易想到一块的点子是令人惊讶的,有点傻,确定能取悦你的小甜心 。还有什么不喜欢的吗?
It's Love, Actually
Whether you're hosting a party for the class or simply hanging out at home, this February's celebration is all about one specific four letter word.
无论你是给全班举办一次派对或只是在家里玩玩,今年2月的庆祝都是关于一个特定的四个字母的单词 。
X and O Treats
Snack time just got mushy. With these festive-shaped treats, it'll be love at first bite .
零食时间只是变得伤感 。这些节日形状的糖果,第一口就是爱 。
Color Your Own Cookies
Traditional party fare—with a twist! Before digging into those sugar cookies, let your mini Picasso do a little drawing (or scribbling) with food-safe markers.
传统的派对食物-----扭一扭!在咀嚼这些甜饼干之前,让你的小毕加索用食品安全标记做一些绘画(或乱描) 。
Blooming flower
Roses are red, violets are blue.... this little Romeo is ready to woo. How can he prove that his love is for keeps? Start with a handmade bud that will stand the test of time. (Hint: It's best to keep this flower out of water.)
玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的....这个小罗密欧准备调情 。他怎么能证明他的爱永不变呢?从一个手工制作的花苞开始,将经得起时间的考验 。(提示:最好让这朵花远离水 。)
Sewn Heart
There’s sew much love that goes into making this pint–size paper heart. It’s actually quite simple if you download our easy-to-print template.
缝进了多少爱来制作这个小型的纸心 。这其实很简单如果你下载我们很容易打印的模板 。
Glittery Snow Globe
Turn an empty household jar into a memorable holiday keepsake in a few simple steps