HARVARD University said on Friday that it issued academic sanctions against about 60 students who were forced to withdraw from school for a period of time in a cheating scandal that involved the final exam in a class on Congress.
哈佛大学周五表示对60名在《国会入门》期末考试中作弊的学生实施强迫停学的学术制裁 。
The school implicated as many as 125 students in the scandal when officials first addressed the issue last year. The inquiry started after a teaching assistant in a spring semester undergraduate-level government class detected problems in the take-home test, including that students may have shared answers.
当校方去年首次发现这个问题时,学校中多达125名学生牵涉在丑闻中 。教学助理在春季学期的本科政治课的课后测试中发现学生可能抄袭答案的问题后调查开始了 。
In a campus-wide email on Friday, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Michael D. Smith said the school's academic integrity board had resolved all the cases related to the cheating probe.
周五在全校范围的邮件上,文理学院院长迈克尔•史密斯说学校学术诚信委员会已经解决了与这起作弊调查有关的所有案件 。
He said "somewhat more than half" of the cases involved students who had to withdraw from the college for a period of time.
他说该案中“有超过一半”的学生不得不强制休学一段时间 。
Harvard said that the length of a student's withdrawal period is usually from two to four terms.
哈佛说一个学生的强制休学时间通常持续两到四个学期 。
Of the cases left, about half the students got disciplinary probation. The rest weren't disciplined.
剩下的大约一半的学生接受纪律处分 。其余的不受罚 。
Some athletes became ensnared, including two basketball team co-captains whom the school scratched from its team roster.
一些运动员被捕,其中两名篮球队队长已经被学校从队伍名册中除名 。
Past reports in The Harvard Crimson also linked football, baseball and hockey players to the scandal.
哈佛校报之前的报告中也有足球、棒球和曲棍球球员牵涉到丑闻之中 。
Smith's said in Friday's email that the school wouldn't discuss specific student cases. A school spokesman, citing student privacy, also wouldn't say if any athletes had withdrawn or say which teams were affected.
史密斯在周五的邮件中说学校不会讨论具体的学生情况 。学校的发言人援引学生隐私,也不会说明哪些运动员被强制休学或哪支队伍受到了影响 。