Five decades after the U.S. surgeon general first warned of the hazards of smoking, researchers reported fresh evidence Wednesday of tobacco's devastating toll on the health of the U.S. population─and of the benefits of quitting.
Two studies that looked at the effects of smoking over a lifetime found that both men and women who smoke were about three times as likely to die before reaching age 80 in one study, and 75 in the other study, compared with those who never smoked. Associated Press
One of the studies found that women who smoke through their lives lose 11 years of longevity, compared with never-smokers, while men lose about 12 years.
'Men and women are now equal─they both lose a decade of life from smoking,' said Prabhat Jha, director of the center for global health research at University of Toronto. He is lead author of one of the reports, both of which are being published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
多伦多大学(University of Toronto)全球健康研究中心的负责人杰哈(Prabhat Jha)说,男性和女性这次平等了,他们都会因为吸烟而损失10年左右的生命。他是其中一份报告的第一作者,这两份报告都在《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine) 发表。
Current estimates are that about 44 million Americans, or 19% of the adult population, are smokers. That's down from about 42% of adults in 1965, the year after the landmark surgeon general's report that found smoking caused lung cancer in men. Since then, a steady stream of research has linked tobacco use to heightened risk of a variety of cancers, heart disease and other ailments, as well as death from any cause, among both men and women.
Because women generally didn't become serious smokers until the 1960s, about two decades after men, previous studies had indicated women were at lower risk of death than men. But with 50 years of smoking experience to evaluate, researchers now say the risk for women has pulled even with men.
Both studies found that quitting smoking at any time─but the earlier the better─helped offset at least some of the risk of early death. Quitting by age 30 resulted in gaining 10 years of life, compared with those who continued to smoke, Dr. Jha said, while even quitting by age 50 recovered six years of life on average that otherwise would be lost from a lifelong habit.
Dr. Jha's study was based on smoking histories of more than 200,000 men and women 25 years and older who participated in the U.S. National Health Interview survey between 1997 and 2004. The data were linked to causes of death that occurred by the end of 2006.
The other report, headed by Michael J. Thun of the American Cancer Society, used data from that organization's large cancer-prevention studies and other studies of smoking information, with a focus on people who had reached age 55 or older during the follow-up period.
另外一份报告的第一作者是美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society)的图恩(Michael J. Thun)。他利用了该协会的大规模癌症预防研究和其他有关吸烟方面的研究,重点关注年龄在跟进期达到55岁及以上的人。
One message from the findings is that 'in terms of health benefits, it is never too late to quit,' said Steven Schroeder, director of the smoking-cessation leadership center at University of California, San Francisco, in an editorial accompanying the papers.
在与这两项研究同时刊发的评论文章中,加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)的烟瘾戒断领导力中心负责人施罗德(Steven Schroeder)说,两项研究得到的发现传达出的信息之一是,从健康的角度而言,戒烟永远不晚。