Beyoncé’s performance of the national anthem at President Obama’s second inauguration on Monday was everything it should be. But was it actually live?
A spokeswoman for the Marine Corps Band said early Tuesday that Beyoncé only pretended to sing, lip-syncing the words to a backing track. What the listeners heard was a version she had recorded at a Marine Corps studio in Washington on Sunday night, the spokeswoman, Master Sgt. Kristin duBois said.
But by Tuesday afternoon, the Marine Corps had backed off Sergeant duBois’s statement, saying while the band had not played live, neither Sergeant duBois nor anyone else in the Marine Band was in a position to know if Beyoncé had sung the anthem live or not. Capt. Gregory A. Wolf, a Marine Corps spokesman, said the corps had determined that a live performance of the anthem was ill advised because its members had little time to rehearse with the singer.
A publicist for Beyoncé did not immediately return telephone calls and e-mail messages.