His unconventional hairstyle could be that of a typical rebellious teenager.
And like any proud parent, his mother appears distinctly unamused by her son's unruly plumage.
Unfortunately, there is little either can do about the unkempt afro-style haircut this young penguin is sporting after he took longer to shed his baby feathers than the other youngsters in the colony.
但不幸的是,这么乱蓬蓬的爆炸头发型也没什么好的处理办法。在群居的种族里,这只小企鹅褪掉幼儿绒毛的速度要比“同龄人” 缓慢得多。
Most of the other young penguins had already grown a set of adult feathers but this late developer needed a helping hand.
The little King Penguin had already grown majestic black and white feathers on his wings and stomach. But instead of a golden crest on his head, sat a tuft of downy brown fluff.
The picture was taken in South Georgia by Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen, 45, a criminal defence lawyer from Maastricht in The Netherlands said: 'I kind of got the feeling that the parent penguin was worried about the chick being so late in the season with its moulting process.
照片的拍摄地点是南乔治亚岛,45岁的摄影师Sjoerd 来自荷兰马斯特里赫特市,是位刑事辩护律师。他表示:“我感觉企鹅妈妈好像是在担心自己的孩子,因为正值企鹅的换羽时节,但小企鹅明显发育比较迟缓。”
'The moulting process happens to the adult birds as well as the young penguins. For the adults this starts towards the end of the subantarctic summer, for the youngsters however this process starts earlier.
'The penguin in the photo is halfway done with moulting its down, but he is rather late already. Some of the younger penguins are long done with shedding of their down and turning into real adult King Penguins.'