FOREVER ended up being a very short time for three couples who vowed "until death do us part'' on the auspicious marriage day of January 4 but divorced just days later.
对三对在结婚吉日1月4日宣誓“至死不渝”但几天后离婚收场的夫妻来说,永远并没有多远 。
They were among some 7,300 couples who drew marriage certificates at civil affairs bureaus across the city that day, which witnessed a marriage boom for its auspicious meaning. The date sounds like "forever love'' in spoken Chinese.
他们是那天在市民政局领取结婚证的7300对夫妻中的几个,见证了一场吉祥意义的结婚盛况 。日期在汉语口语听起来像“永远爱你” 。
A couple who declined to be identified divorced only four days after January 4.
一对不愿透露姓名的夫妇1月4日之后仅4天就离婚了 。
They called the marriage "a hasty decision" resulting from following the craze that day.
他们称结婚是源于那天狂热跟风的“一个仓促决定” 。
The young couple rejected counseling from staff workers at the Xuhui marriage registration center who tried to dissuade them from divorcing.
这对年轻夫妇拒绝了徐汇婚姻登记中心的工作人员试图劝阻他们离婚的咨询 。
But they said they had made up their minds without further explanation.
但是他们说已经下定决心,没有进一步的解释 。
If a wife or husband remains silent or cries when asking for a divorce, it means it may still be possible to change their minds, according to officials providing free marriage counseling services at the Xuhui center.
如果妻子或丈夫在要求离婚时保持沉默或哭泣,这意味着仍有可能改变他们的想法,据徐汇中心提供免费婚姻咨询服务的办公人员说 。
But in most cases, the efforts fail.
但大多数情况下努力会失败 。
Seven couples in the city who registered for marriage on December 12, which means "want to love" twice in Chinese, also divorced.
市里有七对夫妇在12月12日登记结婚,这在中文中意味着“想爱”,也离婚了 。
"Nowadays, divorce is such an easy thing compared with years ago when the procedure was complicated with both the spouses, working units probably getting involved," said Leng Li, a marriage counselor.
“如今,离婚是这样一件容易的事情,而几年前程序对配偶双方都是复杂的,工作单位可能牵扯进来,”婚姻顾问李棱说 。
Lin Kewu, deputy director of Shanghai Civil Affairs' marriage administration office, said the number of flash marriage and flash divorces among young couples is on the rise as their love does not have a strong foundation and they don't take their marriage vows very seriously.
"Many young couples do not know tolerance and their parents intervene, making things worse," he said.
“许多年轻夫妇不知道宽容,他们父母的干预使事情变得更糟,”他说 。
Leng said those born after 1980 were pampered by their parents as China's one-child policy took effect, and they tend to be more self-centered and less tolerant in a marriage than those born earlier.
李棱说由于中国的独生子女政策生效那些被父母纵容的80后他们在婚姻中比那些更早出生的人往往更自私且缺少宽容 。
"When disputes erupt, neither the husband nor the wife is willing to compromise because they grew up in a similar environment of a one-child family,” she said. "So quarrels escalate into divorces, sometimes with parents' intervention."
“当争端爆发,无论是丈夫和妻子都不愿意妥协,因为他们成长在独生子女家庭这样一个类似的环境中,”她说,“所以争吵升级为离婚,有时有父母的干预 。”
Couples also sometimes divorce to purchase one more apartment under housing purchase restrictions and they remarry later, Lin said.
在购房限制下夫妻有时也会为再购买一套公寓而离婚,之后他们复婚,林说 。