After a decade of preparation and three years of filming, Wong Kar-wai's 'The Grandmaster' opened in China on Tuesday, and any lingering questions over whether the movie would live up to its lofty expectations immediately evaporated.
经过了10年的筹备和三年的拍摄,王家卫执导的《一代宗师》(The Grandmaster)本周二在中国内地上映。有关这部电影能否达到观众较高预期的疑问一直挥之不去,但在影片上映后马上无影无踪。
Mr. Wong has made a martial-arts film for people who typically wouldn't go to see an action movie, and an art-house film for audiences who resist ambiguity in their cinematic experiences.
Many of the kung-fu scenes are set in beautifully furnished parlor rooms that suggest the quiet intensity of a high-stakes chess game, but one in which the threats could mean life or death. It's in these moments it becomes clear that Mr. Wong is showing his audience that kung fu is as much an intellectual pursuit as it is a sport of strength and physical superiority.
Fans of Mr. Wong, one of Asia's most prominent filmmakers and a regular fixture on the international film-festival circuit, have been eagerly anticipating 'The Grandmaster.' More than five years have passed since the Hong Kong director released his last full-length feature film, 'My Blueberry Nights' starring Norah Jones, and it's been nearly nine years since his last Chinese-language film, '2046.'
Associated Press1月8日,梁朝伟、王家卫、章子怡和张震在《一代宗师》的香港首映式上。王家卫是亚洲最杰出的电影导演之一,常常在国际电影节上露面。王家卫的影迷们一直在热切期待着《一代宗师》的上映。这位香港导演的上一部标准长度的故事片《蓝莓之夜》(My Blueberry Nights)拍摄于五年前,由诺拉•琼斯(Norah Jones)主演。而他的上一部华语电影《2046》距今已有九年。
Critics were quick to praise 'The Grandmaster.' Variety said the film 'exceeds expectations,' while Twitch described it as 'an action-packed visual feast.'
The movie follows the life of Ip Man, the real-life instructor of the Wing Chun style of kung fu, who was born in Foshan in 1893 and died in Hong Kong in 1972. (A young Bruce Lee was among his students, although his character doesn't appear in the new film.)
Tony Leung Chiu-wai plays Ip Man; Zhang Ziyi stars as Gong Er, the daughter of a powerful martial-arts master from northern China and a kung-fu expert herself; and Chang Chen appears as a mysterious character named Razor. All three actors joined Mr. Wong at a press conference in a crowded Hong Kong shopping mall on Tuesday night for the local premiere.
Mr. Leung, who is known primarily for his dramatic roles rather than action, told the Journal that preparing for the role was a challenge.
Dean Napolitano/The Wall Street Journal梁朝伟说,该片的武打戏对他来说很难。梁朝伟主要是以他所扮演的富于戏剧性的角色出名,而不是以功夫著称,他告诉《华尔街日报》,为扮演这个角色做准备做是一个挑战。
'The action part was really tough for me,' Mr. Leung said. 'We started practicing a year-and-a-half before the movie began shooting. … But we trained during the shooting, so we trained like four years.'
'The character is very much different from what audiences have seen before,' he continued. 'With the role this time, we are trying to mix up Bruce Lee and the real man -- Ip Man -- together.'
'The Grandmaster' takes place mainly from the late 1930s to the mid-1950s -- a turbulent time in China's history, but one that the film doesn't dwell on -- and focuses on Ip Man's tentative friendship with Gong Er and his rivalry with other kung-fu masters and their followers. The story also explores the deep patience, obedience and discipline that kung fu demands on its teachers and students.
The Ip Man character has become an extremely popular -- and profitable -- movie character in recent years, most notably with 2008's 'Ip Man' and its 2010 sequel starring Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen.
近年来,叶问成了人气极高的电影角色,也为电影带来了超高的票房收入,其中最有名的就是2008年的电影《叶问》(Ip Man)和2010年的续集,两部影片均由香港功夫明星甄子丹出演。
'The Grandmaster' opens in Hong Kong on Thursday and in Taiwan next week, ahead of its European premiere on Feb. 7 as the opening film at the Berlin International Film Festival, where Mr. Wong is this year's jury president. The movie will screen out of competition.
Though the film runs two hours and 10 minutes, Mr. Wong said earlier this week that it could have lasted four hours due to all the footage he shot, which suggests that audiences someday could see a longer 'director's cut.'
The Chinese movie industry will now turn its attention to box-office receipts for 'The Grandmaster,' which took in 29.8 million yuan ($4.8 million) on its opening day Tuesday, according to media-research firm EntGroup. By comparison, 'Lost in Thailand' pulled in 39.4 million on its first day on Dec. 12.
中国电影业都在关注《一代宗师》的票房表现。根据媒体研究公司艺恩咨询(EntGroup)的数据,《一代宗师》周二上映首日的票房为人民币2,980万元(480万美元)。 相比之下,《人再囧途之泰囧》(Lost in Thailand)12月12日上映首日的票房收入为人民币3,940万元。
'Lost in Thailand' has earned 1.17 billion yuan as of Tuesday, making it the highest-grossing Chinese film ever in the domestic market, EntGroup said.